The Beginning.

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A/N: Just wrote the first chapter and for some reason it didn't publish, so here we are at square one. I hope you enjoy!


"That was a freakin' awesome hunt, dude."

Dean slings his bag onto the table and goes to grab some beer out of the fridge.

Sam sits down at the table and stretches.

"I know, right? We killed, like, thirty vamps."

Dean slides a beer over to Sam and sits across the table from his brother.

"Wish Cass could've went with us."


The boys jump. "Jesus."

Cass furrows his eyebrows. "No, I'm Cass. You know that. I can get him for you—"

"It was an— wait, really? You know Jesus?"

Cass sits down. "Of course. Dad's favorite. Anyway, I have something to... confess."

Dean takes a swig of beer. "Lay it on us. Can't be that bad."

Cass lets out a nervous laugh. "I... uh... I had... relations."

Sam and Dean stare at Cass absentmindedly for a moment before they understood what he meant.

Dean slapped him on the arm. "That's my boy! How was it?"

Cass clears his throat.

"It was... fine."

Dean's face falls. "Aw, first time was a bummer? Don't worry, there will be better ones. Hey, my first time—"

"Dean." Sam cuts his brother off. "So, what's the issue? Feeling guilty or what?"

Cass plays with his hands under the table.

"When we were... having relations... my angel radio went out of control. I didn't want to believe it at the time, but.."

"But what?"

Castiel looks both of the brothers in the eyes before speaking.

"I'm going to have a child."

The Winchesters look at their angel friend in disbelief.

Dean starts laughing. "April Fool's! He got us good, Sam. Look at his face."

Castiel maintains his stone-like expression.

Sam looks at Dean. "I think he's serious."

Dean's smile slowly fades.

"You're not serious."

Cass nods. "I'm afraid so."

Dean leans back in his chair.

"Well, uh, congratulations, dude. So who's the chick?"

Cass bites his lip and looks away.

"Sorry, bad hookup?"

Cass puts his head in his hands.

"I don't even know where to begin. This child will be half-angel, half human."

Sam nods. "Obviously, so what's so bad about that?"

"It's forbidden in Heaven," Castiel explains. "The child is called a Nephilim. They will have destructive, extremely powerful abilities."

Dean raises his eyebrows. "Oh shit."

Cass sighs. "The angels will come after the child. I am technically obligated to kill the child myself as an angel."

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