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What is your favorite tv show?

I am currently watching many shows so I don't have a favorite.         

Anyways on to the first chapter of Her Untold Secrets.          


                                                                          15 Years Later

                                                                              Luna's POV

Another day in hell, I think to myself as I wake up in my house reeking of alcohol. You're probably wondering "I thought you were living with the leader of the Italian Mafia, why do you live in a run-down house?"

Well to answer your question, Mr. Boss man realized that it would be too hard for me to live with him and be kept a secret from everyone else. Why would he want to keep you a secret? Well, I can be a weakness to him, and weaknesses are never good in the mafia. So, he put me in a home with a random ass couple to take care of me. They take care of me and I go to him to get training.

Training has been pretty intense lately since I am to take the throne in a few days.
Anyways, back to the present time. I wake up with massive pain in my back. All the memories of last night's beating came to mind. However, I don't react to remembering it. I have learned to turn off my emotions because they are for the weak of heart and I can't afford to be weak.

I patch up my back as best as I can because I'm not elastigirl so I can't reach that far behind my back. I hop in the shower, careful not to wake up the assholes that "take care" of me. I get out and pick out an outfit. The only reason I am able to afford these clothes and other things I have is due to my underground fighting career, but I'll get back into that at a later time.

 The only reason I am able to afford these clothes and other things I have is due to my underground fighting career, but I'll get back into that at a later time

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I pick up my bag and head to school. I haven't been there in a couple of days because I had online school for medical school. Yes, I know you're probably wondering why I torture myself with the school if I have already graduated. The short answer is that it helps me escape from this constant repetitive life that I live.

I quickly and quietly walk to the front door of this run-down shack and make my way out. I started my journey to the garage which holds all my vehicles. I can't keep them at my house because there isn't enough room and no one, not even Mr. Mafia Man knows that I'm a street fighter, so having the vehicles that I have laying around would give it away. I made it to the garage and decided it's a motorcycle type of day.

 I made it to the garage and decided it's a motorcycle type of day

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I make my journey to school and as usual, all eyes are on me. I get off my bike and head to the first period. I fucking hate English I thought to myself as I walk into class.

I enter and see Mr.Frederick sitting at his desk looking like Anton Ego from Ratatouille. I sit down and ponder how I am going to create havoc today. Whilst in my thoughts Mr. Bitch Boy calls on me.

"Ms. Armstrong would you care to explain how Hamlet died in this chapter"
Oh god, really? I read Hamlet in the eighth grade. I already know this. Mr.Frederick thinking he stumped me smirked.

"Of course bitch boy, Hamlet died due to the poison that was in the tip of the sword. He was cut by this sword causing the poison to enter his body, ultimately killing him."

Bitch boy's face dropped as I sat there smirking an evil smirk. Before he has the opportunity to say anything else I cut him off.

" Oh, and the next time you try and prove that you are smarter than me, you will lose an eye. And that's not a threat... it's a promise."


I get up and grab my bag, but before I leave I lunge forward to see his reaction. He flinches and I smirk while I continue to make my way to the office.

I step inside the office to see my favorite secretary Ms.P.

" Hey Ms.P."

"Oh god what have you done this time?" she responds, knowing I got in trouble.

"Oh, you know the usual, yelling at my bitchy English teacher."

"Of course you were," she says while she shakes her head in a disapproving manner.

"Anyways is Craig in his office?"
"Yeah he is, he might be in a meeting, but you can go in" she responds.

"Bye Ms.P see you next time."

"For your own sake I hope not," she yells as I walk into Craig's office.

As I enter his office I see a man in what seems to be his mid-20s talking to Craig. As soon as I enter, all conversation stops and they both stare at me.

"Take a picture it will last longer assholes" I state.

I look at the man in Craig's office and he seems to be in a state of shock but as you examine his eyes closer you can see love fill them. Weird but you know you do you.

"Anyway Craig, my bitch of an English teacher sent me here because I yelled at him again." an innocent smile appearing on my face.

"Luna this is the 4th time that this has happened. You know what happens now." Craig said in an amused but stern tone.

"yeah yeah, I get suspended for 3 days and a month's detention. It's nothing new, so if we are done here I have places to go and things to do."

" What am I going to do with you, Luna? But to answer your question, yes you can leave."

"Alright peace out Craig" turning my head to look at the other man in the room,

"And you should learn not to stare, it's rude," I say as I leave.

Walking out of school I throw on my helmet and head back to my shitty house.

Little did I know, this would be the last time I returned to this school.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my book!!!!

please feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments

thanks for reading xoxo,


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