As Long As I Have You

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Despite all of the stories and the rumours, Alfie Solomons was a good man. In all the time that you had known the infamous gangster, he had never once caused you any harm or treated you unfairly. As your employer over the last few years, he had been more than kind to you, providing you shelter when you had been disowned by your Mother, leaving you on the street with nothing but a suitcase containing your small amount of belongings. Her words still resonate in your mind as if it were yesterday, "No daughter of mine is going to be working for a filthy gangster like him." You remember arguing for hours with her, defending him, trying to make her understand. But that woman was too set in her ways, nothing could change her mind.

So, with your suitcase you had walked all the way to the bakery in the pouring rain. When you arrived, you were quick to realise that there was nobody there, but your instincts had told you to knock regardless. Two, long minutes past before the door unlocked and opened slowly, and on the other side stood Alfie. He had ushered you in, taking your suitcase from your cold hands, locking the door behind the two of you. That night, he had sworn to you, that regardless of your employment with him, if you needed anything at all, he would be there to help you.

That night was nearly five years ago, and a lot had happened in that time. After numerous meetings with the Shelbys from Birmingham, Alfie had expanded the business. And you? You were now his partner, in terms of business. On a personal level, you were his wife. After his first initial meeting with Thomas Shelby, the day he had defended your name, you agreed to join him for dinner that evening. It was the next day, when you had both arrived to work in the same car that the men started to talk. Ollie was forced to round the men up the same afternoon, where Alfie proudly stated that you were both together, threatening anyone who dared to speak about the matter again. As he wrapped up with the men, he had glanced across at you, leaning against the doorframe of his office, illuminated by the lamp behind you. In that moment, Alfie had never seen anything so beautiful.

Only a year after you had begun courting, the two of you were married. There was no 'official' engagement, so to speak. Alfie had asked you on a whim, completely unprepared, with thought in the back of his mind telling him you would say no. To his glee, you had answered with a squeal and launched yourself into his arms. That night he had profusely apologised for the lack of engagement ring.

"Alfie, I don't care about a ring, as long as I have you." It was the first time that you had seen Alfie blush. Despite your words, he had promised he would buy you the most beautiful ring in the entirety of London. Your laughter had filled the room at his words, knowing that he would stay true to his word.

And that he did. Two weeks later, Alfie came home with a black box within his grasp. Nervousness was clear on his face. What if you didn't like it? What if it wasn't what you had been expecting?

When he handed the box to you, he had held his breath. Hoping that you weren't disappointed. On opening the box, you heart missed a beat. The diamond inside was delicate and glittering in the light of the kitchen window.

"Alfie," you had looked at him with tears pooling in your eyes that were filled with happiness, "Alf, it's beautiful." Right then, Alfie wanted to marry you on the spot, more than he had ever done before. The ring was nothing extravagant, he had known you'd hate something so obvious and bold. So instead, he travelled to the finest jeweller in London, requesting a small, delicate diamond that would be perfect on your finger.

On the day of your wedding, Alfie had been overcome with a mixture of nerves and happiness. Never in all his years, did he think that he would be marrying anyone, especially someone as beautiful as you. Between the both of you, you had decided to incorporate your beliefs, following traditions of both. As expected, there was none of your family there to celebrate with you, although you had sent them invites before anyone else. Alfie had held you close as the sun had set, promising you a life where you would not want for anything.

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