the status and the new skill

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After running from the Ais he went up to the first floor as fast as possible to come down and also to clear his face from all the blood there was. when he reached the first floor he used his jacket to clean his face but made the jacket even worse because of the blood already started to coagulate which just felt like slime now but he fixed as much as he could and went to the guild to exchange what he got and then departed to the twilight manor where he saw Loki waiting at the main gate and she greeted him 'heya Bell how are you' bell replied 'well I nearly died but expect that I'm fine'. Loki looked surprised and examined how Bell looked to see any mark but there were only some bruises that could be healed easily so then Loki asked 'wanna update your status Bell' with Bell replying 'yes please goddess'. While making there way up to Loki's room she told Bell 'you can just call me Loki y'know don't do anything too formal' and Bell replied 'sure thing Loki'

When in Loki's room Bell took off his shirt to show his back the Loki took out a knife to cut her finger then a blood drop landed on Bell's back then it showed his status then Loki updated it which showed

Strength- H110

Endurance- H106

Dexterity- I98

Agility- G201



when looking at this he said 'no much but something' with Loki agreeing but was a little surprised to see some of the ability being in the hundreds or two hundred but she saw the bruises and thought in her head 'how much did you work' but she kept her thoughts to herself and told Bell to go get washed up and wait till dinner is ready which he notices that he was in the dungeon fo nine hours but he though how long the entire familia stay in the dungeon so that was nothing. trying to forget some things he went to his room to get new clothes and go to the shower to get all the blood he had in his hair and face that hardened which too quite a while but got it all of then he went to his room to relax until he saw the familia come back with Loki running to hug the girls which on elf girl suffered as he saw but they came in but he wanted to be left alone after what happened in the dungeon so he just read books on a story, for example, argonaut, a boy who wanted to be a hero. after the time came for him to go downstairs to eat he went but while he was nearly there he heard someone say 'hey Ais tell us the story' with Ais clueless she said 'what story is that Bete?', 'don't play dumb the one that a rookie ran away from you, he looked terrified' said Bete. after hearing those words my body just stopped it only thought why did I run from Ais, she helped me maybe I was embarrassed to let her look at me at that state or maybe I didn't want help, what was it?

'come on Ais tell us how he ran the other direction and got cornered with his stupid white hair and terrified look, come explain how he ran away from you' pleaded Bete but some people were thinking 'was it Bell?' because of the mention of 'white hair' but they had to be sure which Loki even though she was drunk she nodded to Riveria, Finn and Gareth which the hoped Bell wasn't listening to this garbage Bete was shouting Riveria was hoping, she cared about everyone in the familia mostly Ais because she took care of her when she was a little kid but Finn was just thinking of 'how can I shut up this stupid wolf' because Finn didn't like when Bete was badmouthing anyone in the familia even though he was a level 5 but the worst part he was still rambling on about but when he said 'who will you choose if I a strong member of the familia or that weakling no one knows just confessed to you tell us Ais' everyone got quiet but Riveria said 'that's enough it was our fault the minotaurs got to those floors, we should've apologized to him instead of taking bad about him so enough' but Bete said 'shut up you old hag no asked you' this angered Riveria when her age was mentioned she wanted to attack him bt kept her composer but Bell heard Riveria and how she tried to stop it he was grateful to her how she tried but Ais started to say 'I rather be with someone like him than you with your trriable attitude' this was a shock to everyone even Bell everyone said she pitied him so that's why she choose him but this all just was hurting bell down to the core nothing was this painful expect the lose of his grandfather. but then Bete said 'that tomato kid over me come on guys lets congratulate him for getting the great Ais Wallenstein to pity him' with everyone laughing at the kid Bete was talking about but then Bell had enough he had his knife and ran to babel as fast as he could with tears building in his eyes but with no armour just casually clothes he ran to babel and entered the 1st floor to see there were not many monsters so he instead ran down the floors till reaching the 5th floor he thought should he because he nearly got killed but he ignored that and rushed into seeing there were shadows. they were monster that was not weak but not strong as well but they affect the mind mainly if you showed fear in from of them and they had sharp claws so he just lunges in with him so stab one and it killed it but he saw two of them move to slash him but he put up his guard which was useless because he had no armour but he used that they were in his range to slash one's head off and the other he stabbed all the way through but hen he saw toad-like monsters coming at least more than 10.

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