Hearts Melt Ice

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"You don't remember?"


"Yuuri, you got drunk on champagne and started dancing. Everyone saw it."


Yuuri yelped in surprise, hue quickly leaving his face. His, now fiance, Victor, was trying very hard to not burst out laughing, the reaction of his partner was quite amusing to him. While Yuuri continued freaking out, he couldn't help but let his thoughts slip away, bit by bit, his radiant blue eyes becoming clouded, like a blanket was pulled over them. Different memories raced through his head, until his mind became clear again, pausing on one memory. Victor could still remember it like it was yesterday. The chilly weather outside, the contrasting heat of the inside of the building, that made his cold-bitten cheeks warm up and a sense of security, the dense air that made his head slightly spin to the sounds of music, his knees weak from fatigue of his long day, yet full of energy and eager to get socializing. Victor remembered all of it.

How could he not? When this was the night that turned his world upside down.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

'What are you standing around for, old man? You're blocking the entrance!' A voice exclaimed angrily. Victor blinked a few times, the loud voice startling him. He looked down, a shorter boy blocking his vision, his name was Yuri Plisetsky, a fellow figure skater, there was no doubting his talent and dedication, he had a sharp gaze, that made everyone cower before him, and an even sharper tongue, he seemed to be no older than fifteen. Victor smirked, putting on a pitiful expression, 'Yuuuuri! There's no need to be so grumpy, have a little bit of fun!' he stated eagerly, shaking the smaller one's frame. This was the Grand Prix Final banquet, after all! Why not loosen up a tad? He could feel an insult coming up, so he quickly changed the subject, 'Never mind that! Let's go!' with that, he dragged Yuri away from the exit, and into the crowd.

A lot of people were already getting tipsy, that could be easily deduced by the amount of noise they were all creating, and just how much friendlier everybody was. Yuri grumbled, 'Have fun or whatever, I'm getting a snack..' Victor pouted, but did not protest. The skater started looking around the edifice, thinking of what he could do. While yes, parties were a lot of fun to him, but it was always a bit baffling at first, so many people, so many options. His eyes scanned the room, in search of someone, he didn't even know who he was searching for, but it felt important to find them. It was as if he didn't find them, he'd be missing up on something of great significance. A hand on Victor's shoulder pulled him out of his trance, 'Viiictor! There you are! I've been looking for you, you know..' A familiar flirty tone whined, the owner of the hand was no one other than Christophe Giacometti, or as everyone called him: 'Chris!' Victor exclaimed in a happy greeting manner, glad to have a distraction from the boredom that he was feeling. And who could be better in eliminating boredom than one of his best friends? No one!

Chris was... an interesting man, to say the least. He was an ice skater, just like Victor. He flirted with everything that moved, but his friend could swear on his own skating career, that he saw the man flirt with a portrait once or twice. Chris was also a type of person, who could always find something engaging to do, just like now. He was in the middle of dragging Victor off to a place where "supposedly" a young figure skater got drunk and challenged Yuri to a dance off. And of course, that was something forth seeing. Though, he had to admit, he couldn't quite believe his acquaintance's words. But what did he have to lose?

And Chris did not disappoint, the scene that unfolded before them as soon as they approached Yuri and the other skater was truly something out of this world - Yuri, who was red in the face, be it from anger or exhaustion, was dancing polka in inhuman speed, sometimes cussing out in Russian from frustration. And his opponent, a slightly taller man, who was also dancing, but Victor could not identify what exactly, his moves were too messy and chaotic to tell, it looked like he was still intoxicated from the alcohol, as his face was flushed a deep pinkish color, his balance seemed off, too. What struck Victor as weird, was that he couldn't look away. The dancer's silly moves strangely seemed almost charming, they left him speechless, his eyes glued to the man. At last, the silver haired turned away, grabbing Chris by his collar. 'Who. Is. That,' he whispered, making emphasis on each word. The Swiss figure skater chuckled, 'He's cute, huh? That's Yuuri Katsuki,' he stated. Victor grinned, 'Yuuri? I suppose we have two Yuri's now.. and they're having a dance off right now, nonetheless, ' he noted, looking back at the commotion. '..huh?' They weren't looking at the two for mere seconds, but the scene changed entirely. Yuuri was now on the floor, and the Russian Yuri was on top of him, holding the other by the fabric of his shirt, shaking him. 'Yuri! What are you doing?!' Victor yelped, sprinting over to the two on the floor, trying to drag the younger skater away. 'Now, now, you don't harass your elders, Yuri! ('or anyone, for that matter.,' - he added)' The boy huffed, letting Yuuri go. 'Don't you show your face in front of me ever again!' he growled, standing up. Victor smiled, offering his hand to the Japanese skater. 'Are you okay?' he asked, concerned. The man on the floor stayed silent, a look of utter bewilderment on his face. His lips moved inaudibly, ' Victor..?' he whispered. He seemed sober again, his eyes looking around anxiously, the blush on his face darkening, but not from alcohol this time. The other noticed his sudden awkwardness, immediately understanding why. 'Why yes, it is me. Did you want an autograph?' he said, quirking an eyebrow.

'-And then you asked him to dance with you!' Chris laughed, his eyes teary from laughing so much, ' Isn't that right, Victor?' he queried, making the silver haired man come back to reality, he looked around, a bit disoriented. 'Er, yes.,' he said, chuckling. His fiance hid his face in his hands. 'I did not!' he yelped in denial, his face getting redder from the embarrassment and horror. 'I can show you some pictures to prove it,' Victor offered. 'Please don't..,' Yuuri pleaded, sinking deeper into his chair. He smiled, watching his embarrassed partner, he wasn't planning to tell him the whole story just yet, he wanted to have the memory of that evening that was so precious to him only for himself, for now, at least. But who knows, he might tell Yuuri everything that happened someday.

On second thought, maybe not.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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