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[HEHEH I think the drawing for this chapter turned out better,, totally not because its more racy 🌚🌚 MFHAHAHA OKAY BYE,, HAVE FUN READING YALLZ-]

3rd Person POV:

"Hi." New smiled shyly.

"Hi." Tay responded bashfully, a bright smile stretching his heart-shaped lips. He rubbed his nose awkwardly, feeling a blush creep up.

Oh how he had looked forward to this shoot.

New wouldn't know, but Tay had spent the past week shopping for clothes just for today. Stressing over what to wear, what to say, what to do and how to even act.

In all honesty, Tay wanted to curse at himself for only being able to say a simple, "Hi." When he had practiced his cool greetings one too many times. But it was inevitable, as his mind always went blank the moment he laid eyes on the man.

Tay thought that after last week, he would be less conscious around New. However, he was on his toes instead. His stomach flipped everytime he locked eyes with New, heart catching in his throat as he got entranced by New's beauty.

"Um, can I uh come in?" New asked, blinking up at the older.

"Ah, yes! Yes, please come in. Sorry." Tay fumbled over his words, flustered. He hadn't even realized that he had opened the door but stood frozen stiff in front of it, not only blocking the way in but also not welcoming New in.

He wanted to slap himself.

Seriously, why was he being like this on their 2nd meeting? He acted pretty fine the first time!

"Uhm so, for today's photoshoo--" New broke the awkward silence first.

"Ah yes! You need around 20-30 photos right?" Tay cut in.

"Oh.. I do. How did you know?" New peered up curiously.

"Oh." Tay's eyes widened, realizing that he had slipped up.

"You uh, mentioned it in the description." Tay quickly added. He sighed in relief when New seemed to buy it.

"My fans sent me a few clothes to put on. So I have quite a few sets. Do you think it's enough?" New asked nervously, opening the large bag in his hands.

"You could mix and match them, or..." Tay drifted off, gulping as the words got stuck in his throat.

Or take them off.

"Or..?" New repeated.

"No, it's nothing! I think it's enough. All you need to switch up would be your poses." Tay hastily caught himself.

New nodded, then walked off to the toilet with his bag in tow.

Tay couldn't sit still, fidgeting around the studio as he waited for New to change. Because he knew that New was going to wear something special today.

Something that he had secretly requested.

Something that he so desperately wanted to see in person.

The black collar.

The mere thought of it brought heat to Tay's cheeks.

So when New finally poked his head out of the toilet, scanning the studio adorably, every cell in Tay was alert and filled with anticipation.

It made Tay wonder if he was really wearing it, what outfit he was wearing with it. The short wait felt like it dragged on for hours, heightening his excitement.

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