The baby is coming

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I woke up in the middle of the night when mom barged in and yelled .

Mom : The baby is coming 

Then she run away i just stared at my door before i realized what she said i jumped from my bed and i started running towards Lucy's room and there she was in so much pain .

Brooke : We have to get her to the hospital right now 

Mom : No Brooke we can't her water still didn't broke 

I stared at my mom blankly when Lucy yelled in pain i walked over to her and said .

Brooke : I go and get dressed okay i be here in 2 minutes be strong baby be strong

Then i started running back to my room to get dressed .

Clothes for Brooke

Then washed my face and teeth and grabbed my phone and called Kyle he picked it up after 2 minutes when i arrive back into Lucy's room

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Then washed my face and teeth and grabbed my phone and called Kyle he picked it up after 2 minutes when i arrive back into Lucy's room .

On the phone 

Kyle : Hey why are you calling ?

Brooke : Wake up Micheal and come as fast as you can Lucy is having the baby

Kyle : What ?

Brooke : Yeah now go and do as i said NOW

End of the call 

I pushed the end button and walked over to Lucy's closet and packed her some clothes them we heard the front door slam open then close so i guess the guys arrive .

Micheal : I'm here baby i'm here 

Lucy : It's hurts so much 

She cried out from the pain that she was feeling dud this was the first time that i didn't wanted to be in her place then Kyle walked over to me while i was running around and packing things in the bags .

Kyle : Can i help you ?

Brooke : Yes here pack this bag while i pack Lucy's 

Kyle : Okay 

Then we both started running around like crazy people but at least Lucy was focusing on us and not her pain so that kinda helped .

Micheal : Shit your water just broke 

Kyle - Brooke - Lucy : WHAT ?

Mom : Okay Micheal here start the car you two pack up faster and you come in clean you up 

We did as we where told me and Kyle finished packing and where running outside placing the bags in the back seat then i ran back inside to grab my phone and i locked the door and jumped in the car and drove towards the hospital where hopefully they arrive but the fucking traffic stopped me .

Brooke : Shit 

Then i hit my steering wheel and searched for Kyle's number on my cars monitor when i found it i called it .

On the Call 

Kyle : Where are you ?

Brooke : Stuck in the traffic 

Kyle : Shit Lucy is asking about you 

Brooke : Tell her i be there as fast as i can  be

Kyle : Okay i will love you

Brooke : I love you too 

End of the call 

Thank god the police officers came and we could drive away from this mess i went slow first then after i left them i drove fast towards the hospital then i parked and ran inside to the woman that was sitting at the front desk .

Brooke : I'm looking for Lucy Mongarez 

Lady : Of course 10 floor 1222 room 

Brooke : Thank you 

Then i was running again i pushed the fricking button more then 10 times until it came then stepped inside quickly and pushed the 10 floor but of course a woman came in with two boy in my age and i groaned the pushed the fricking 10 button three times and finally it closed then the woman wanted to tell me something but she couldn't because i was running again when i saw Kyle i knew that i was in the right place he saw me and hugged me .

Kyle : She is pushing right now 

Brooke : Shit i'm late 

Kyle : It wasn't your fault that you got stuck 

I nodded then sat on the chair outside until a woman came and tolled us that we can come in so we walked in and ran over to Lucy taking her in a big hug .

Brooke : I'm sorry i got stuck in i fucking big traffic

Lucy : It's okay all it matters that you are here 

Then the nurse came in with a sweet looking baby boy .

Brooke : Can i hold him ?

Micheal : Of course you can 

Then the nurse slowly handed me the little guy and i smiled down at him taking in his feature he look like Lucy and he had the eye's from Micheal .

Kyle : What's his name ?

Kyle asked while he stand behind me having on hand on my wais the other one was holding the little guys little tinny hand .

Lucy : Brandon 

Mom : It's a really sweet name 

Micheal : Thanks i came up with it while she was pushing 

I laughed along with Kyle then Nicolas arrived also .

Nicolas : Hey bro where is the little guy ?

Brooke : Here in my arms you ...

Kyle : Brooke don't say it there is a baby in this room 

Brooke : I forgot 

While still smiling down at Brandon in my hands  we all held him three times then it was time to go home and come back little later but we all stayed and talked because it was already 5 in the morning the hole day we where talking about how things will change and that Micheal is gonna move in with us then the day came to a end and me and Kyle drove back to mine and we fell asleep on my bed fully clothed .

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