Bring 'Em Hell

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      I'm sorry about the indent- Wattpad is being weird and not letting me indent some.

        You woke slowly, the sound of your jet landing filling your senses. With a sigh you stretched, adjusting the lapels of your jacket. You pulled out your compact, reapplying a thin shade of red to your lips. Did you need to make a great first impression? No, you were already above them, but you didn't prefer your inferiors to fear you more than they backed you. Your father had disagreed with your take on your job but that sent him to an early grave, unfortunately. Patting your pockets you made sure you had your phone, wallet, and pocket knife. The weight of your revolver gave you comfort against your waist.
    "Miss, are you ready?" Your loyal guard Florence questioned.
    "Do I have a choice?" You mumbled softly, standing and running a hand through your hair.
    "Do you want an answer?" Florence chuckled softly, allowing you to exit the jet first, following close behind. The relationship you had with Florence was considered taboo to other mafia bosses. As your bodyguard, his only role was to protect you, but you didn't see the point in undermining those who were to protect you. You compensated him generously for putting up with you and because you loved him, platonically of course. You took a moment to take in the Japanese landscape around you. A family friend had taken the role of boss in America allowing you to travel to Japan. "You can sightsee later miss, now please." Florence pushed you slightly toward the sleek black car waiting for you. The man that waited by the vehicle took you in from afar, arms crossed.
    "What do we know about this one Florence?" You asked looking to him.
    "He's young, part of the main ring but expendable," he said softly.
    Izuku Midoriya but prefers Deku."
    "You did your research," you said with a small smile.
    "It is my job miss," he chuckled.
    "Florence you can call my y/n you know."
    "I'm well aware."
    "You just choose to annoy me then?"
    "Well I do aim to please," he said with a smirk. Deku moved from his spot in front of the car opening the back door for you.
    "It's a pleasure to have you Miss y/n," he said politely.
    "I appreciate the opportunity, although I would prefer for Florence to drive, I mean no disrespect," you said softly before getting in. Deku handed Florence the keys before moving to the passenger seat. The cars' interior was boasting its foreign design, the leather smooth under your touch. Deku said something briefly to Florence offing him directions. As Florence drove Deku reached into the glove box pulling out a manilla folder and handing it to you.
    "I'm sure you're well aware of the reasoning behind our request for you, but here is a more in-depth overview. You're more than welcome to look over it if you'd like." You gave him a soft smile before opening the folder, skimming over the details quickly.
    "Just to make sure there are no misunderstandings what role am I to play here?" You asked, closing the folder and setting it in your lap.
    "We'd require you to be the boss here," Deku said looking at you through the rearview mirror. "The last one was disposed of," he added.
    "So I've heard," you said softly. "And you are aware that I run things differently than most bosses correct?" You asked. "I plan to arrange things for success."
    "We wouldn't expect anything different from you. After what you did in the States I think we have a decent idea of your style." Deku said.
    "I like you Midoriya," you said softly before looking out the window.
    Deku had led you through the mansion where they stayed, giving you a tour before leading you to the main room where you would meet the rest of the "family". Florence stayed close by your side, a hand running through his blond hair.
    "You do know I am more than capable of taking care of myself right Florence?"
    "I'm well aware but if you did I'd be out of a job."
    "You know that's not true," you said with a soft laugh, "you could do my laundry or dishes," he looked to you with a soft blush. He was your bodyguard but he was only 10 years older than you. He saw you as a sort of daughter figure at his age of 32. "I'm kidding Florence," you said with a grin.
    "I apologize for anything that may come out of their mouths," Deku said before pushing open the wooden doors and stepping aside for the two of you. You took in the decor of the room, the deep brown of the wood fixtures. The golden accents on the walls, and the large windows giving a view of the backyard area.
    "This is the chick?" A slap soon followed the statement, a young blond rubbing the back of his head.
    "Mm, I am the chick as you so politely put it, sorry to disappoint," you said a hand falling to your hip.
    "He meant no disrespect-" Deku began.
    "Didn't anyone tell you lying is a sin Midoriya? I think he did," you said making your way to the head of the table and sitting, Florence standing behind you. "Didn't you?" The blond didn't seem to be used to being called out and clenched his jaw slightly.
    "No," he mumbled lowly.
    "I won't tolerate lying," you began, "I don't give a shit what it's about. If you can't be honest with me then you can be replaced,"
    "You can't replace me! You're just a girl and you just got here!" He but back, fist clenching.
    "There it is," you said with a small smirk. "I assure you-"
    "Katsuki that I am more than capable of both replacing you and doing my job even though I am just a girl" You added, your own hands clenching in your lap. "If you have a problem with that I'm sure we can solve it afterward. Now if you don't mind we have a business to handle and I'd like to at least know your names and your quirks. I'm y/n Mistretta, you've heard of my father a few years back. After he inevitably got himself killed, I took over the family business. This is Florence, my second, he goes where I go and that's all you need to know. I have a double quirk, telekinesis to put it simply, and healing."
    The next one to speak was the dark-haired male.
    "Shota Aizawa. My quirk is I can erase quirks as long as I have my eyes open."
    "Seems counterproductive," you said softly. He chuckled softly with a nod.
    "Trust me, it is," The long-haired blond came next. Shota turned to him and signed that you wanted to know his name and quirk.
'I'm sorry, I wasn't aware'  you signed when his eyes turned to you.
'You sign?'
'It's a language, isn't it? It would be unfortunate if I didn't know.' you responded with a soft smirk.
'I am Hizashi Yamada and I can use my quirk to yell really loud, hence the sign language. I am not completely deaf but, definitely hard of hearing.' A red-haired male came next giving you a tiny wave.
"Eijiro Kirishima and my quirk is hardening," he said giving you a demonstration. You watched as his skin took the form of what seemed to be rock.
"Shoto Todoroki and I have a fire and ice quirk."
"Momo Yaoyorozu and I can create any non-living thing with my fat cells as long as I have exposed skin and I know the cellular makeup of it." You smirked noting her attractiveness.
"Keigo Takami and I can fly," he boasted, wings fluffing up slightly.
"Anything else or are you just a pretty boy?" You challenged, leaning forward with your chin resting on your palm. To your delight, a feather of his seemed to fly on its own to caress your face. "Good to know you're not just a one-trick pony," you said catching the feather between two fingers. He shuddered slightly before ushering the feather back to its place in his wings. The short-haired blond came next and he begrudgingly met your eyes.
"Katsuki Bakugo, explosion." He mumbled.
"I think you should show more respect to your superior," Shota murmured.
"It's alright Shota," you said raising a hand.     "Let me explain to you how things are gonna go. I'm not gonna threaten you. I'm not gonna blackmail you. But if you half-ass shit and risk those around you getting hurt we're gonna have a problem," you said setting your revolver on the table. You weren't trying to intimidate him, but you were establishing dominance.            "Show some respect to those above you. I'm here to help you and keep your ass from getting killed. Are we clear?" You asked eyes narrowing at him.
      "Crystal," he offered a nod.
     "Midoriya," you said sitting back slightly.
     "One For All. It pretty much makes me really fast and strong. I can stockpile energy and use it when I need it."
     "You're clearly not lacking in the area of quirks," You said softly. "I'm not here to make you my slaves. I don't do that. We're a family and we have each other's back. I expect that from each of you. I don't ask for much, and I'm not particularly aggressive, but I can be." You said. "I also know it will take time for you to warm up to me and I'd expect nothing less. But as Shota said I am your superior as well as the superior of many others. That being said, that's all for right now." You looked to Deku who offered to show you where you'd be staying. As usual, Florence came with you and Deku informed you that he would have a room adjoined to yours. The mansion was beautiful, and you felt slightly unqualified to be here, especially while holding the power you did. You were pleased to hear that there was a floor dedicated solely to training beneath the home.
     "I expect to see you there momentarily Florence," you said with a smile. Deku gave you the key to your room and allowed you to make yourself at home. The room was massive, the bed large enough to fit four of you. You knew the group didn't lack money but you didn't know they had this much. There was a slightly feminine feel to the room with the crystal and diamond accents. Pulling off your heals and clothes you changed into joggers and a sports bra, pulling a shirt on. Lacing your sneakers you had Deku show you to the training floor laughing when Florence was waiting for you.   You chuckled softly, pulling your shirt off. The two of you found your way to a training mat, dropping into your respective stances, Florence offensive and you defensive.
     "You should take a more offensive stance."
     "If I did you'd know I would be a formidable opponent."
     "You are," Florence said.
     "My enemies don't need to know that. Now shut up and fight me," Florence's quirk was incredibly useful as a bodyguard. He could clone himself, but it did take massive amounts of energy from him and if one clone is injured he himself sustains the injury. Florence struck first going for a right hook. You dodged offering a swift kick to his abdomen. He brushed your leg aside quickly pining you.
     "Lazy," he breathed.
     "I'm not done yet," you said legs wrapping around his neck. He groaned when you squeezed, not wanting to let you win so easily. You rolled your eyes, unlocking one leg to kick him off of you. You were up quickly falling back into a defensive stance. Shota and Katsuki had made their way down to observe both curious of their new superior. Florence used his quirk producing two more of himself. You sighed chuckling softly. "You're a little shit you know that," You smirked flexing your own quirk, a ball of purple energy appearing in your hand. Your eyes glowed as you used the energy to subdue one of his clones. His second clone got you in a headlock, Florence himself throwing a punch to your abdomen. You lost your breath slightly at the blow, biting your lip. You threw your head back against his clone, wincing at his groan. Next, you took a breath and kneed him harshly. "Sorry, you kind've pissed me off," you breathed as his two clones morphed back into himself. He clutched himself before taking a breath and looking at you.
      "I yield," he breathed falling back on his heels.
      "I'd hope so I was gonna hit you again," you chuckled, summoning a water bottle to your hand and tossing one to him. Taking a drink you offered a hand to him with a smile. "Get off your ass it's not cute."

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