Chapter 44: The Rescue

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Louis’s POV:

That did not go as planned…

I was yelling. The guy that had taken Valerie into the next room walked out, just his boxers on. I growled.

“What did you do to her? You bastard!” I yelled.

“Just what Richard wanted,” he said, “I remember one time, I was talking with him and he told me that if anything ever happened to him, he wanted me to take Valerie. Keep her for myself. Actually, the day of the abortion he told me that.”

“What abortion?” I asked.

“You didn’t know?” he asked, “A year after Richard took Valerie, she got pregnant. Richard had me take care of it.”

She never told me this… but it didn’t matter right now. I heard a gunshot and Valerie screamed.

“VALERIE!” I screamed. Sam came up to me and covered my mouth with his hand to shut me up. The problem with that was, his hand was so big, it covered my nose too. I couldn’t breathe. My vision blurred and soon I saw nothing…

Harry’s POV:

“Boys, stay here,” Paul said as he got out of the car. Of course, none of us listened to him. We followed him to the door of the warehouse. The police arrived and surrounded the perimeter.

There was another gunshot, then another. The police barged into the warehouse, guns at the ready. Paul, the boys, and I followed. Everyone froze at what awaited us.

“Put your guns down,” Eleanor said calmly, “Or she dies.” She was holding a beaten up Valerie, pointing a gun to her back. Val’s clothes were torn and blood was dripping down her arm. Her face was white as a ghost.

“Eleanor,” Paul said, taking a step forward, “Please, just put the gun down. Please, don’t shoot her.”

“I wouldn’t worry about her right now,” Eleanor said, tears coming to her eyes. The boys and I exchanged glances.

“Eleanor, what do you mean?” Paul asked, stepping forward again. Two police officers were sneaking up behind Eleanor and were about to grab her.

“Save him,” she said, pulling the trigger. The police officers grabbed her and instead of shooting Valerie, the bullet flew right past Liam’s head.

“Holy…” he muttered, eyes wide. Liam covered his mouth and walked outside. In a few moments I heard him yelling every curse word he knew.

The police officers led Eleanor past us. Paul stopped them and talked to Eleanor.

“What did you mean by ‘save him’?” he asked. She was crying now.

“Sam, he- he did something to him- out cold-” She couldn’t talk anymore. The police officers led her away and Paul, Zayn, and Niall searched the warehouse for Louis. I watched as medics wheeled Valerie to an ambulance.

“Harry!” Niall called from the other room. I hopped to the room and found Paul trying to wake up an unconscious Louis. On the floor next to him was a man, who I assumed was Sam. The two gunshots we heard must have been Eleanor shooting Sam; he was dead.

“Well, at least we don’t have to worry about him,” Zayn said, motioning to Sam’s corpse. Paul slapped Louis and he woke up.

“GAH!” Louis yelled, jumping. He looked around, “Paul? Zayn? Niall? Harry? What’s going on? Where- where’s Valerie? Is she okay? What-”

“One question at a time Louis,” Paul said as he started to cut the ropes, “Eleanor’s been arrested, Valerie’s on her way to the hospital as we speak. We’ll know how she’s doing when we get down there.”

Liam’s POV:

Holy. Shit.

Not gonna lie, my life flashed before my eyes when that bullet flew by my head.

I was yelling profanities to the skies. My heart was still racing and I was trying to calm down.

Paul, and the rest of the boys, including a beat up Louis, came out of the warehouse.

“Hey Liam,” Niall said, walking over to me, “You okay?”

“Yeah,” I said, “I may need a change of underwear though.” Zayn snorted and Niall laughed. I looked over to Louis, who was trying to get the medics to leave him alone.

“I’m fine! Really!” he said to one of them.

“Louis, you okay man?” I asked. He turned to me and nodded.

“Then why were you unconscious when we found you?” Niall asked. Louis rolled his eyes.

“Because that guy was an idiot and didn’t realize that if you cover someone’s mouth and nose, they can’t breathe.”

“We should get going to the hospital,” Paul said, “To see how Valerie’s doing. Louis, we’ll talk to the police when we get there.” We all agreed and went to Paul’s rental car and headed for the hospital. The whole ride there, Harry was fretting over Louis, getting mad whenever he found any bruise, cut, or scrape. Zayn and I called Danielle and Perrie to tell them everything was alright and that we would call them when we knew how Valerie was doing. They both wanted to come with us, but we convinced them to stay at the hotel again.

We pulled into the hospital parking lot and ran inside. Well, except for Harry. Louis was fastest though. He went up to the front desk and asked about Valerie. The nurse told him that she was currently in surgery. He turned around and was about to sit down when Paul reminded him that he still had to talk to police. He followed Paul outside, where a couple police officers were waiting. I watched as he explained what happened and Paul gave the police officers the recording of the phone conversation from Harry’s phone. The whole time they were outside talking to the police, Louis kept glancing inside, looking for any sign that anyone would come give us news on how Valerie was doing.

After about fifteen minutes, Paul and Louis came back in and sat down with the rest of us. Paul insisted that Louis be admitted, just so the doctors could make sure he wasn’t injured too badly. After many protests, he finally gave in, which was probably a good thing, considering that Sam guy had nearly suffocated him.

We were now all in Louis’s hospital room. An hour had passed and Louis was in a hospital bed. Harry was sitting on his bed. Louis had fallen asleep on Harry’s shoulder; I guess that everything that had happened in the past day exhausted him.

Within another hour, Zayn and Niall were asleep too and Harry was dozing off, his head resting on Louis’s.

Another half hour passed and I was drifting off to sleep as well. That is, until someone spoke…

“We have information on Ms. Styles.”

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