The little box beneath my bed

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I'm lying in my bed, wondering how this ended so badly. I made a mistake I could never take back and I felt like the whole world would soon know. I lost the one who made me happier than anything. Sometimes I'd pull the box of things I'd been given from him out of it's hiding place beneath my bed and touch the rings and all the other contents thoughtfully each one having a memory attached to it that I would never forget.

That silver ring with the treble clef, a promise to stay by my side and to be there until the very end no matter what. A promise that had never been broken. I still wear it most days... It even leaves a mark from how long I've had it on. It's a little too small and a bit worn but it still shines as brightly as the day he gave it to me.

The letters from camp... The days before we were so serious about each other. Back when I thought we were just another teenage relationship. The smile I'd get each and everytime the letters were delivered, excited for the end of the camp week so I could impress him with my acting skills that I had learned.

The CDs. Those bring back a lot of memories. A child unfairly gone. Late night drives to friends or family. Us singing along and laughing. Long drives and early mornings all come to mind. They mean a lot to me. They remind me of his voice as he'd sing to me sometimes in the car and I'd fall asleep. The days we'd slowdance in the park and act like the world was our very own. The music lulls me to sleep most nights... 

There's not much, to be truley honest but what I have is good enough. I've printed photographs of us and put them in there too... And everytime I need a smile I simply look at them. Sometimes they bring tears and It's alright. I know that no matter what, we'll meet again. Possibly better people than we were before. Stronger. Happier. Together or not, there will always be our story in a little box beneath my bed. So remember... Your story is yours to write and there are many ways to do this. You can use words on a page or memories you made. But it's never truley the end until everything has been tied together and finalized...

"Everything will be ok in the end... If it's not ok... It's not the end." 

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