Chapter 25: New Orleans

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Lilliana's POV

I am silent as Kol drives down the road. My father sits in the passenger seat, clearly trying to contain his anger - huffing every couple of seconds. Kol had turned the radio on hours ago after the awkward silence was too much for him to bare. Rebekah and Freya sit in the very back seats. I heard Freya chant a few hours back, then stop after a few seconds. I am in the middle seat while Finn is on my left and Elijah to my right;  if I tried to escape, I would be thwarted just as easily as before. I cross my arms angrily -huffing just like my father has been doing, but I am also trying to compose myself. I feel like I am going to burst into tears any minute now. The big reveal to my friends was ruined by my family coming back to "rescue" me. Yes, rescue me from my boyfriend and five friends - very helpful. Luckily, I still had my phone, but I feared for not very long.

Third Person's POV

The group of six had gone back to Derek's apartment after the debacle in the woods. Lilliana had been taken by two strange women and four just as strange men. When the door slid open, Scott asks, "What the hell just happened?"

"Yeah, I would also like to know why the hell we just witnessed the most powerful member of our group rendered powerless by a gaggle of most likely supernatural strangers," Stiles exclaims. The spastic teen talks with his hands, slapping them every time he makes an "s" sound.

Isaac walks over to the table in the center of the room. "They weren't strangers to her," he answers. He growls under his breath.

Derek adds, "That was Lilliana's family." The now former alpha crosses his arms.

Lydia puts her hands down angrily at her sides. "Then why the hell did her family just kidnap her?"

"I don't think they would consider it kidnapping, Lydia," Allison remarks, "especially since Lilliana's the one who ran away."

Isaac leans against the table. "Lilliana used to live in New Orleans, Louisiana before she lived her." He turns around to his friends. "The reason she ran away is because she couldn't take living with her family anymore."

"What's so wrong with her family that she went across the country just to get away from them?" Stiles questions. 

Isaac and Allison share a look, but still do not answer. Derek groans, "Her family are vampires, Stiles."

Stiles jumps a bit. Then, he gives a sarcastic smirk. "Since when do vampires exist?" He shakes his head. "No. No, they aren't real."

"Stiles, need I remind you that my last boyfriend was a homicidal lizard and my current distraction is an alpha werewolf, when combined with his twin, can turn into a super alpha werewolf," Lydia explains. 

"The proper term is Voltron Wolf, thank you very much." Stiles looks at the banshee, who is not having it. Then, he goes to Isaac and then to Scott before deciding it was best for him to shut up.

Isaac takes a deep breath in. He goes over the decision he is about to make in his mind before finally exhaling. He says, "Lilliana isn't just a werewolf. She is what's known as an Original Tribrid. People know her as the Original Tribrid. She's one third werewolf, one third vampire, and one third witch - whether she admits it or not. She lived with her father and his siblings her whole life. She lived blissfully ignorant to the things her family did in the shadows, until she just couldn't anymore."

Stiles stares at Lilliana's boyfriend. "Which is?"

"They killed people, Stiles!" Derek reiterates. For some reason, the elder wolf in the room is steaming with anger. "What else would that mean?"

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