19 | Lovebirds

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Dan eyed the jewellery inside the showcase we stood in front of, especially a golden bracelet with some jade.

"Hey now, take a look at this bracelet. It's beautiful, isn't it? An expensive gift like this would make any girl fall head over heels. Right, Caroline?"
He asked me rhetorically, leading me to shrug my shoulders.

"Jotaro, see that space there in the glass? Use your Stand to sneak through and steal the bracelet."
He muttered only for us three to hear.

Jotaro averted Dan's gaze, causing Dan to impatiently step up to him.
"Steal it. What don't you understand, moron? Get a move on."

After a few moments of silence, Dan turned to look at me.
"I don't mind breaking the glass and taking the bracelet myself. Then again, if I'm caught, if could be beaten to a bloody pulp. Old man Joseph surely would die from the pain."

"Just.. go ahead, Jotaro."
I mumbled while frowning at Dan before slowly turning my back to them.

Jotaro had no other choice than to do it. We still needed to wait for Polnareff and Kakyoin to take care of Joseph first before we could strike.

I looked at Jotaro from the corner of my eyes as he stepped up to the showcase.

He summoned Star Platinum's arm to reach out and grab the bracelet, then getting it out of the showcase unnoticed.

Once the bracelet was out, Jotaro held it out to Dan.

Dan started to giggle before he spoke up for everyone inside the shop to hear.
"Oh no! This guy is shoplifting!"

"Are you serious?!"
I walked up to Dan who smirked at me.

After we stared into each other's eyes for long enough, I looked around to spot everyone inside the shop eyeing Jotaro.

Jotaro put the bracelet on top of the showcase while taking a deep breath.

Out of nowhere, Dan placed his fingers on my chin to move my head and force me to look at him.

"You bastard..!"
I mumbled before slapping his hand away and stepping back.

"Alright, boys. Who is the culprit?"
A manly voice resounded, leading me to look into the direction it came from.

Three muscular men entered the shop to approach us, looking like self proclaimed local bodyguards.

"Is it that guy over there?"
"You talking about that Asian-looking kid?"
"You know, back where I come from, when someone steals something we chop their fingers off."
The three men spoke to Jotaro while approaching him.

"You better not use your Stand against civilians."
Dan resounded as he walked past me to playfully hit Jotaro's shoulder.

"You get it all wrong. He didn't steal it!"
I protested as I walked up in front of Jotaro to somehow shield him from the men.

The men were nearly as tall as Jotaro, but they outnumbered him and me by all means.

"I see you're trying to protect your boyfriend, but that's not how it works. But to be honest, you are a good looking couple."
One of the three men said before shoving me to the side.

The man approached me and thus forced me to step back gradually while the other two men continued to approach Jotaro.

They forced Jotaro down on his knees before starting to hit and kick him. He only guarded his head from incoming attacks, quietly grunting from the pain.

The Cryomancer | Jotaro Kujo x OC | Part 3 | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now