Chapter 11: What happened to kirino senpai?

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Tenma pov

We already back to school, we don't have match or competition this days, also kirino senpai still ignoring and avoiding shindou senpai, "Tenma" I looked at tsurugi who's hugging me now "Still worried about kirino senpai?" I nod "Hey, let's go to kirino senpai" Tsurugi said with a smile "Hai" i smiled "Ano, Tenma kun are you going to kirino?"aoi said and she's giving me the envelope 'Love letter?' "yeah" "Can you give it to kirino, Akane said it's important but I have to go to coach endou, thank you tenma" I nod and she leave "hmm?" "Tenma let's open it, I have a bad feeling about this.." i only nod and we opened it "Shindou senpai?! A-aka-" tsurugi grab the photo and about to rip it off "Tsurugi, calm down" I hold his hand "This is piece of sh*t!" "Tsurugi, don't believe that, please let's tell this to kirino senpai" I can't keep this a secret this is not true "*sigh* let's go"

At kirino classroom

"K-kirino senpai?" Kirino senpai looked at me emotionless, I gave the envelope, and stood up "Kirino-senpai, please don't say you believe this.." I don't think he listen to me, he run away but I was calling him. "Tenma, let's go"  tsurugi grab me and we followed kirino senpai "I'm sorry, I shouldn't give it to kirino senpai" "Hey you student's the school still isn't over where are you going?!" I was frozen but tsurugi hold my hand tight "Sir, coach endou said we need to buy cold drinks, we still have practice" tsurugi said "Oh okay, you can go out now" we went out "Tsurugi?" "Don't blame yourself, you didn't do anything let's hurry kirino senpai might get hurt" I smiled what tsurugi said, "Hmm" we heard someone shout in the dark alley "Let's check if it's kirino senpai" tsurugi seems don't want to go "Fine" We go to the dark alley when we see three guys was beat up "Kirino senpai!" I looked at tsurugi, carrying "Kirino senpai!" I run toward to their direction "What happened?" "Kirino senpai beat this drunk guys I guess" I took my phone and called kaori, and kaori pick up us

At kirino's room
"Tenma what happened?" We just got silent when shindou came, "Shibdou senpai, why did you be so careless?" I hold tsurugi hand and tsurugi look at me and shook my head 'Calm down,tsurugi' "I'll explain everything please calm down" Kaori still don't know abou this after I explain shindou was going to say something but we noticed that kirino is waking up"Kirino senpai?! Are you okay?"kirino senpai is emontionless "Kirino! Are you okay? What happened?!" No, kirino senpai, I'm sorry "Nisan! Don't believe what you just sa-" kaori didn't finished when kirino senpai cut his hair?! "Kirino!" My tears are falling down now... "I'm not leaving but don't ask me what I do to myself" I'm sorry kirino senpai "Kaori, don't cry" "Nisan! I'm not the only one crying here!"kirino senpai... I looked at tsurugi and he hold my hand and smile bitterly...

Tsurugi pov

"Leave me alone for now" kirino senpai leave the room "This is your fault! I told you to fix this!" Kaori start to shout"It's not my fault! If he just confessed already this won't happened" What did he say?! I can't control myself that I punch shindou senpai "Tsurugi! Calm down!" I can feel that tenma hugged me "If you're truly his best friend you already know it!" "Tsurugi,please calm down" trnma whispered and I hug him "I'm sorry"tenma looked  at shindou "Shindou senpai you should do something"then kaori was about to leave "I told you, nisan will leave" kaori said that tenma got scared... "What happened to kirino?" Tenma whispered "Tenma.." "I'm sorry" tenma only cried at my arms 'kirino senpai, we'll help you, don't worry... Tenma'

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