you stayed

496 21 1

i'm here to stay

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"Are you gonna help clean up or just sit there? Quit being useless."

"Momo!" He Tian feigns disbelief. "How could you? I am not being useless. I'm supervising to make sure you look good while doing the dishes. Spoiler! You do~"

"That's- Can you actually do something useful?"

He Tian sighs, admitting defeat by standing and walking towards Mo who is at the sink. It's just the two of them, Mo's mother clocked out and bid goodnight to the boys not too long ago.

"You know, you're supposed to say thank you after you receive a compliment."

"I don't need your bullshit compliments, anyway."

"You think they're bullshit?"

"...Yeah, I do."

"Hm. Maybe I should try to change your mind?"

Mo's eyes widen, his mind trying to catch up with what He Tian, who is leaning closer with each word, is plotting. His breath now hot on Guan Shan's, now definitely red, cheeks. He really wants to shove him away and pitch a fit, he really does. Something in him won't allow him to do it. He hasn't been this close to He Tian in months. He had spent said months shamelessly wishing he could be this close to him. He longed for the familiar mint and cigarette smell that was undeniably He Tian. He yearned for the touch the other's long fingers supplied when they ghosted along his arm or neck, never more. He wanted to feel the heat rise to his face and butterflies swarm in his stomach every time he even caught a glimpse of that signature smirk. Even better: the real deal. The real smile He Tian has seemingly always reserved for Mo.

Being so lost in thought had caused him to flinch once He Tian had actually leaned close enough to be touching him. This simple brush of their shoulders caused him to short-circuit. He quickly glanced up and was met with the more disappointed than hurt look that the other's eyes held. He panicked and spluttered, trying to find the right words to apologize and explain himself. Before he was able to speak coherently, He Tian started.

"Stop running from me, Guan Shan. I'm here. To stay."

How am I supposed to know that for sure? is what he wanted to ask. He stops himself, though. Hearing He Tian tell him this out loud was enough for him. He was promising to never leave Guan Shan again without actually saying those exact words. He Tian has done and been many things, but being a liar is not one of them. Mo believes him. He has to.

"I just- I don't know why I can't. I want to...but-"

"Then try. I know I've made it hard. I know I'm not good at this either...but I'm trying. Can you do that for me? For us?"

He furrows his brows at the question. Not because Tian was asking too much of him, but because the simple request had managed to make his heart race quicker than it already was. How the hell could he say no?

Guan Shan clenched and unclenched his fists. He Tian was right: he hadn't made it easy for Guan Shan. It felt right to make it just as difficult for He Tian.



"Yeah, fine. I won't run anymore...I guess." He sighed dramatically and turned to the sink. " If you do the dishes."


"Mhm, the dishes. You can get started and I'll be waiting in my room. Make it quick if you plan on making up for the lost time."

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