Sky Blue Jones and the Seven Little Creatures of Bellium, New York

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All that “And lived happily ever after” mumbo jumbo gets on my last nerve. I mean everybody knows that they didn’t. Well, at least I do. For example, the three little pigs? Three fat, stinky pigs living in one house did not end in “happily ever after”. They ended up getting sick and tired of each other and moved far far away. Now, they don’t talk. Does that seem like a happy ending to you? The “fairy tale” world doesn’t want little ones to know the real side of the story. That’s why the world today thinks that princesses are all about dancing, singing and finding a handsome prince to marry. No. This is the real story.

            Don’t expect me to go all “Once Upon a Time” on you .But first thing you should know is that I grew up without my mom. She died while giving birth. I never quite met her, but ah I miss her so much. She named me Sky Blue Jones. She was always such a fan of how pretty the sky was. How it turned from pink to blue and sometimes orange when the sun was setting. But just like people it sometimes turned ugly, gray and gloomy. And just like people it cried as well .I spent the first seventeen years of my life living with an old, and wretched human being named Mrs. Hagard. She hated me with all her heart, and I felt just the same towards her .Do you know what it’s like living with someone you hate? HORRIBLE. But growing up in New York I had a lot of freedom. I went to concerts, parties, and skipped school all sorts of things. Which is not good at all, but my father pays the teachers to give me awesome grades so it’s all good. When I’m not out somewhere I’m usually exploring the woods on East Middleston Street. Some nights when Mrs. Hagard is getting on my last nerve I’ll just go walk around and think. Thinking was an escape for me. To just sit and think is more relaxing than floating down a lake on a cloud with soft violin music in the background. What do I think about, you ask? My mom.  My life and what I want to make it in to. Maybe we should move on with my story though.

                                     Mrs. Hagard’s Point of View

“Her beauty is growing George!” I said to the butler.

”Yes, yes I know ma’am. What do you want me to do about it?”

“Well. You could try to kill her, or possibly get her lost in one of the biggest parts of New York.”

“Yes I could, but all she does is go out somewhere and walk the streets, she could never possibly get lost.”

“ I  guess your right. Then maybe you’ll consider killing her?” I saw the shame and dread in his eyes as he nodded yes. He was too scared to say no. I love it. Unlike George I felt relief, something I haven’t felt in a very long time. Finally the girl who’s been stealing all my attention will be dead!

                             Sky Blue’s Point of View

“Stupid thing!” I yelled underneath my breath. Instagram was always crashing and acting up. So since I couldn’t find out what Dreamy Elijah was going to post next I went downstairs to find a snack .But of course I couldn’t show off my Nutella bagel  to my lovely followers so it wasn’t as thrilling .At the corner of my eye I saw George walk past me. He looked stress so I asked him if he was okay. I really care about him

“Yeah, yeah um, I just. Um Got some cleaning to do before you know who gets home from the mall.”

“oh. Okay .Do you need some help?”

“No! I mean, sorry just please don’t talk to me right now.”

Why was he acting so strangely? Well he’s probably just having a rough day like any other human being. I continued my mission and took my meal back up to my room. After the sweet, creamy Nutella soaked my taste buds in Heaven I slowly started drifting off into a deep sleep that would be full of images of Elijah.

Sky Blue Jones and the Seven Little Creatures of Bellium, New YorkWhere stories live. Discover now