6. Ferris Wheel

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This chapter is gonna make y'all feel some sorta way... good and bad
~ Authors POV ~

"Kageyama! Stoppp!" Hinata whined clutching the younger's arm. Kageyama, who loved to tease Hinata, was rocking their Ferris wheel cart. "Wahhhh! Kageyama you baka!" Hinata shouted, gripping harder to Kageyama's arm.

It wasn't like Hinata was afraid of heights, he just didn't want the cart to flip and kill him!

"Ok ok, I'll stop now," Kageyama said seeing the frightened expression on Hinata's face.

Hinata took a breath, loosening his grip on Kageyama's arm. "Thank god I-" Hinata's voice drifted off as something caught his eyes. "Kageyama, look," Hinata said pointing towards the city. Kageyama, whose attention was fixed on Hinata, averted his eyes towards their town.

"Holy-" Kageyama muttered in shock.

The town was lit up, almost every house and corner was decorated with Christmas decorations. What was most breathtaking of this scene was that the moon was full and shined brighter than it ever had done so. The moonlight shined over the city, while the stars twinkled and danced. The breeze was chilly yet soft, swaying the trees slightly. It had been really chilly the past few days so the snow was very much expected in the next day or so.

"Hinata" Kageyama muttered in a small yet soft voice, as he admired the appearance of the town. It wasn't every day the town looked so breathtaking.

"Yeah... Kageyama" Hinata said slowly, rubbing his out chest a bit.

This feeling.... what was it?

The feeling was new, something Hinata had never felt before. The atmosphere was so... perfect. It felt romantic and somewhat lustful...

Hinata glanced at Kageyama who was still admiring the scenery. He looked... perfect.

His side profile was enchanting, his jawline was sharp and flawless, his lips looked so soft and delicate. He had the sudden urge to smash his own lips to his. The thought made Hinata's heart race. What was this feeling...

"Kageyama I-" Hinata said now facing himself towards Kageyama.


"I-I love you" He muttered causing Kageyama to avert his attention back to the short one.


"I love you," Hinata said once again, this time with a new look on his face.
A look of lust and passion.

Since the four/five months since they had started dating, they never thought of doing "it." It wasn't something they both desired, of course, it'd be great once in a while but it wasn't something they needed, something that they wanted. Yet the way Hinata looked at Kageyama was different this time.

His look was contagious, it made Kageyama feel a sort of way. At that moment everything went blank, the only thought Kageyama had was devouring Hinata. Seeing him under his own body, wanting to see the older moan his name and throw his head back in delight.

Without realizing it, Kageyama placed his hand on Hinata's cheek inching closer and closer towards his lips.

"Resist if you want," Kageyama said, not wanting to force anything upon Hinata but once he didn't pull away or resist Kageyama didn't hold back any longer and collided their lips together.

Kageyama's lips were as soft as ever, and his eyes- His dark blue eyes were like a black hole, getting sucked up to it without a way out. The kiss became more passionate, more lustful and they both felt it. Hinata threw his arms around Kageyama's neck as he lost himself in his minty breath and tender lips.

Both forgetting where they were and all about their surroundings, Kageyama slipped his hand around Hinata's waist making the older gasp, sending a sensation all through his body. This wasn't good, the kiss was progressing into something that wasn't suitable for their surroundings.

"Kageyama-" Hinata moaned softly after pulling away from the kiss, both panting heavily.

"Sorry," Kageyama quickly said realizing what he had done, "I forgot we were in a Ferris wheel cart..."
His face was slightly pink and so was Hinata's.

Kageyama waited for Hinata to do something but he didn't. He didn't speak or even move.

"H-Hinata" Kageyama began just stopped as he says his face. Hinata looked so guilty and nauseous. He knew what was about to be said. He knew and yet Kageyama wasn't sure if he was prepared.

"H-Hey Kageyama I-" Hinata began, not bothering to look up and instead continued to look at his hands that were clenched. His made Kageyama genuinely jump.

'Stay calm, stay calm, don't vent your anger on him, don't vent your anger on him' Kageyama told himself again.

"I-I'm sorry, for f-forgetting your birthday," Hinata said, his voice filled up with guilt.

Those few words... those few simple words made something in Kageyama snap. The pent up anger, the stress, everything was about to be unleashed.

'Stop! D-don't hurt him! Just say it's fine! Switch the subject! Don't lash out at him! He didn't do anything!' Kageyama reassured himself.

"Oh- haha it's fine I-" Kageyama said, fidgeting with his fingers. The atmosphere that was once was romantic and lustful had transformed into something awkward and unpleasant.

'Switch the subject! Switch the subject' Kageyama told himself.

But before he could do so Hinata began to spoke again.

"I don't know how I could forget! I-it just slipped out of my mind!" Hinata said now fidgeting around.

With that, something in Kageyama broke again. His emotions were running wild and there was no way he could control them. All of it was about to unleash and he knew he'd regret it.

"W-was it so unimportant that you forgot?" Kageyama asked, not looking at Hinata. He didn't want Hinata seeing his face at that moment, the face of giving up. The face of his boyfriend who was breaking down.

"W-what?" Hinata asked perplexed.

'Oh no, oh no, I'm sorry' Kageyama thought over and over again. He was about to say something hurtful not only to Hinata but to himself. He was going to regret it, he knew for a fact he'd regret it yet there was no stopping himself.

"Was your boyfriend's birthday so unimportant and useless that it just slipped out your mind?!"


It's 12 in the morning, I'm trying to make this shit while crying to "Mr. Loverman" by Ricky Montgomery...

What has my life become...


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