October time! Halloween!!!! XD Loki's first Halloween! Yay!
Also, Dr. Strange here is a mixture of MCU Dr. Strange and Hulk and the Agents of SMASH Dr. Strange!
X{2 months and 1 week}
"Papa! Papa!" Loki ran to his father, wearing a bright red sweater with dino teeth on it as soon as he saw the blue hulk exit the jet. "Yu home!"
"Hey, my little boy blue!" Rick grinned and picked up his child, twirling him around happily. "Did you and Devil have a good day?"
"Yeah, we still go on missions," Hulk nodded. "Since Loki can't come with us, we trusted Devil to look after him. Not the best idea, but we couldn't call anyone else we know since anyone else would have turned Loki in,"}
"Uh-Huh!" Loki nodded, with Devil walking towards them with a happy grin. "We play chase dai-no tail!"
"Chase the Dino Tail?" Red groaned. "I bet the place is a mess,"
"Yay! Fun!" Skaar clapped his hands together. "Uncle Skaar love when Devil chases tail!"
"Not so fun when it leaves a mess," Hulk sighed as Jen made her way inside.
"We not leave mes," Loki told them. "We cleen up!"
"Really, now?" Rick's eyebrows raised up, not surprised at all.
"He's right," Jen called out, peeking back out from inside. "The place is spotless!"
"That's another good thing about Loki," Hulk chuckled. "He cringes at the sight of mess,"}
"I do NOT!" Loki pouted. "Unc Hulk o-ver-iak-ting! Mes just... yucky. I no like yucky!"}
"And did you practice your other spells today?" Rick asked as he carried the child inside.
"Yea! I did!" Loki nodded with a smile. "An I fin-ish books!"
"All of them?" Red raised an eyebrow. "Wow, kid, you never cease to surprise me,"
"You know what that means!" Jen snickered.
"Yeah, more books from Strange," Hulk gave a nod.
"BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS!" Loki chanted with a scream. "BOOKS!"}
"Maybe we can get some when we go to his place two weeks from now," Rick suggested.
"Hmm?" Loki tilted his head in curiosity.
"Rick, are you sure that it's a good idea for Loki to go trick-or-treating?" Hulk asked with a frown.
"Is it even a good idea to let the little Rookie out at all?" Red crossed his arms..
"What tr-ick or tr-eet-ing, Papa?" Loki asked.
"Trick-or-treating is when we wear costumes and go out door-to-door asking for candy," Rick licked his lips. "It's SO much fun!"
"Yeah! Yeah! Candy!" Skaar agreed, nodding vigorously.
"Candy?!" Loki's eyes lit up in excitement. "I wan-a go tr-ick or tr-eet-ing, Papa!"
"See, guys?! I told you that he wants to go!" Rick grinned at his best friend. "Let is GO!"

Five Hulks And The Jotun Child
FanfictionLoki escaped from Asgard with the help of a friend, who has other plans to keep the mage safe and away from those who seek to hurt him...