The Big Revelation

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"Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes flicking up and down my body. His brow was creased, and despite his natural serenity, he looked a little bewildered now.

I didn't really know how to answer this question. "I've been better..." I tried, turning around now fully to face him.

It was really starting to hit me that he was actually here, right in front of me. I looked down at myself. Nephys and I had peeled off the sap and flowers last night, and I was pretty much completely topless, apart from a few large red stains. How sexy, I inwardly cringed, pulling my hair down over my chest.

"Sorry," I mumbled, looking away.

He was silent for a while, and I could feel his eyes on me. "Do you want us to give you some time?" he asked eventually.

"Er, us?" I asked. Who else is he with? It had better not be her.

"Ri is outside with the Shaman," he explained.

"Oh," I said, trying to hide my disdain. I didn't fancy speaking to Ri either, but the Shaman may be helpful. "Maybe I could use some time. I don't know where Nephys is... I just woke up."

"Maybe she is in her day room, I will check for you," he said swimming to the far left of the room. I watched his hot, tattooed body glide through the water and into one of the tunnels. He had a midnight blue tail which sailed behind him; it was really quite majestic, and kind of toned and manly, just like his upper body.

When he had gone, I looked down and began frantically trying to scratch off the red stains with very little success.

"Oh, crap," I cursed, as I heard the swishing of water. I pulled my hair back down again. He was coming back.

"You're awake!" cried Nephys bursting into the room and sailing over to me.

"Yeah," I said awkwardly, as Llyr reappeared behind her. This is so embarrassing; I'm a topless, stained, disheveled mongrel.

"We'll wait outside?" said Llyr.

"Okay," Nephys and I chimed looking over at him.

"Oh, my God," I whispered, looking at Nephys.

"What's wrong sweetheart? Did he catch you at a bad time?" she asked.

"Yes, look at me!" I wailed.

Nephys swam back a little and looked me up and down. "You look fine," she said. "Especially considering everything you've been through!"

"Nephys, I look horrific," I despaired.

"Oh, please, I never lie," she said grabbing my wrist and yanking me across the room. She held her hand out in front of her, and I saw a big rectangular mirror before us.

I looked at myself for the first time as a mermaid. I blinked several times. I hadn't really quite believed it had happened until this very moment.

My skin was rather pasty, I think from the sickness, and my eyes were red and bleary. But admittedly, although I didn't look my best, it wasn't as hideous as anticipated.

My blonde hair swirled around my tanned shoulders and when I looked a little further down I saw that although the stains were a bit strange, they did not stand out too much. In fact, my eyes shot straight to my actual boobs which I was rather impressed by. The water was pushing them up giving them a real pertness.

I looked down further and clasped my hand over my mouth when I saw my tail from an outsider's perspective. Its blue scales sparkled like a thousand sequins, and it was in perfect proportion to my upper half.

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