Google has added a new feature to the Files by Google app for Android phones. It enables users to lock and hide certain files in encrypted folders. This feature is beneficial for those who share their smartphone with other family members and want to keep certain files hidden and private. If you want to know the process for using this feature, then read on.
Configuring Safe Folder on Android
Before you begin, you have to install the Files application.To do that, invoke the Google Play Store and browse for the Files by Google.Now, tap on Install.After that, launch the Files application.Beneath the section of 'Collections, select the button of Lock.You should make a 4-digit strong password.Now, select the button of Next.Later, verify the PIN.You should click on Next.Finally, hit on 'Got it.'
Modifying the Safe Folder PIN
Run the Files application.Then select the option of the menu.Go to the Settings and tap on it.Underneath the 'Browse' field, select the option of Safe folder.Navigate to the option of 'Change PIN.'You should verify the recent PIN.Then tap on the button of Next.Now, make a 4-digit unique PIN.Hit on the button of NextLater, verify the fresh PIN.You have to tap on the button of Next.Lastly, select 'Got it.'
Add Files to Safe Folder on Android
Open the Files application.Tap on Browse.Find the files you would like to shift to the Safe folder. You should select the vertical ellipsis menu icon.Then choose the option of 'Move to Safe folder.'Later, verify the 4-digit PIN.Now, tap on Next.You have successfully added the files to the safe folder.
See Protected Files in the Safe Folder on Android
Once again, open the Files application.Underneath the 'Collections' field, hit the button of Lock.You should verify the PIN.Now, tap on Next.Finally, choose and launch the file you would like to see.
Delete Files from Safe Folder on Android
You can delete files from a safe folder on Android by pursuing these steps:
Launch the Files application on the device.Beneath the 'Collections' field, select the option of Lock.You should verify the PIN.Go to Next and tap on it.You should tap on the vertical ellipsis menu icon.Finally, pick the option of "Move out to Safe folder."
Nicoles James is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cybersecurity. She writes about the latest updates regarding office setup and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs, and websites.

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