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P.O.V Scarlett

You grab your overnight bag and put your necessities in it. When you're done, you hop on your bike and go to Calum's house. Once there you will see that the rest of the boys are there too. You lock your bike and walk to the door and ring the bell.

Luke opens the door and you look him straight into his blue eyes, and you see lust in his eyes. you swallow and push him aside and walk in. You see Ashton and Michael sitting on the couch, but you don't see Calum. "where's Cal?" You ask. Ashton responds and says "in the bathroom" "oh okay" you respond.

Calum comes to the living room and says "shall we do truth or dare?"
To which the boys respond with yes, and yeah sure. But you know where this is going and say "I'm not in."

Calum looks at you with puppy eyes and says, "come on Scar, it's no fun without you." Calum knows he can wrap me around his finger so easily with those puppy eyes. You look at Calum and say, "Cal please, don't put those puppy eyes on me." "I know you can't say no to that," says Calum. you sigh and give in. "Okay I'm in."

you sit on the floor in a circle and started. Ashton says, "Do truth or dare Michael?"
"I go for Truth" says Michael.
"do you like rough or sweet sex?" Ashton asks. "I like both but the sweetest rough" Michael answer. "okay my turn, Scar, truth or dare?" Says Michael. You look at Calum and say "dare."

you see Michael thinking for a dare and Ashton walks up to him and whispers something in his ear.
Michael looks at Luke and says "okay Scar, gives Luke a boner." You look at Calum and you know he's not going to like this, and you know he's super jealous. But you're going to do it anyway.

You sit on Luke's lap and give him a hickey and stroke his arm. you move back and forth on his lap. after 2 minutes you feel that it starts to get hard. you want to get up but Luke pulls you back and whispers in your ear "tonight I'm going to fuck you so hard!" you look into his eyes and see that they have darkened.

you look at Calum, he turned red, you want to go back to your seat but Luke is holding on. you sit on his lap all the time during the game. It's 02:00 am and you decide to put all the mattresses in Calum's room. Luke walks up to you and says "can we talk?"

"Yes that's OK." you walk to another room and you say "what's up Luke?" Luke looks down and says softly, "I like you Scar. And I know Calum likes you too." You drop to your knees and say "WHAT!?  Calum and I are just best friends, he can't like me."

you start to cry softly and put your hands over your eyes. Luke walks up to you and gives you a hug and says sorry Scarlett, but I just had to tell you. You hug Luke back, and that's when Calum walks in the room and says "hey Scar, there you are." he walks up to you and says "why are you crying?"

Luke says "Cal, can you leave us alone for a moment?"  you put your head deeper into Luke's neck.  you can't look at Calum. at the moment. "Scarlett talk to me please." "sorry Cal but Luke opened my eyes. I like you too, but just as friends." Calum walks out the door and throws it close behind him.

P.O.V Calum

I slam the door and go to the bathroom.  I turn on the shower and sit on the floor and start to cry.  a moment later there is a knock on the door but I ignore it.  "Cal if you don't open the door, I'll break the door." I hear Ashton say.

I sigh and turn off the shower.  and say "I'd like to be alone Ash." "good, I'll give you 10 minutes. And I'll come back. And then if you don't open the door, I'll open the door. Understood?" "Good Ash.  I understand"

10 minutes later

"Cal open the door now." I hear Ashton say. "okay Ash." You walk to the door and open it. Ashton walks in and closes the door behind him. "what's going on Cal?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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