Chapter 11

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Hey guys(: I'm sorry I haven't updated lately but I've been so so so busy. But I'm updating now so yea(: -Jodi xx

Chapter 11

"I'm sorry Zayn I really am. Do you forgive me?" I asked nervously.

"It wasn't your fault Cass. Of course I forgive you." Zayn said.

Zayn wrapped me in his arms and kissed me. This was a million times better than Harry's 'kiss'.

"We gotta show Harry that you're mine, and ONLY mine." Zayn said "Why would he make you take the blame for something you didn't do though?"

"Zayn he wants us broken up. He wants me so damn bad but it's never gonna happen." I said.

"I know." Zayn said "So um how was school?"

"Eh, it was school." I said.

"No softball?" Zayn asked.

"Nah coach gave us the day off. I have a game tomorrow though."

"I'll be there." Zayn said.

"Zayn have you seen my-" Liam stormed in "oh hey Cass." he said giving me a really seductive smile.

"Ok what is it with you guys!? Every single one of you are all over me!" I exclaimed.

"Well I'm sorry! Damn it's your fault for being gorgeous." Liam said.

"Ok out now!" Zayn said.

"Fine!" Liam said slamming the door behind him.

"The only one I feel comfortable is Lou." I said "And I guess Niall."

"Hey beautiful!" Harry said barging in.

I saw Zayn's hands clench into fists.

"Chill." I said to him.

"Hi Harry!" I said "Would you like to say something to Zayn or I?"

"Actually I would. I'd like to say I'm sorry. My actions got the best of me. I couldn't resist." Harry said.

I was surprised to hear this from him.

"Um ok." I said shooting Zayn a look "I forgive you. Just don't do it again."

"I won't. And how about you Bradford Bad Boi?" Harry said.

"Whatever." Zayn said.

"Good enough." Harry said. "Guys we're gonna go to the Patriot's game tonight. Want to come?"

"Yes! Oh my god I've always wanted to go to a Patriot's game! Please babe please please pleaseeee?!" I asked Zayn jumping up and down.

"Ok! Ok!" Zayn said laughing at my actions.

"Well we need to leave in 30 minutes." Harry said.

"This is such a quawincadince but today was 'Wear Your Favorite Player Day' and I wore my Gronkowski shirt." I said giggling.

"Who's that?" they asked.

"Only my future husband!" I said.

"Oh." Zayn said.

"Kidding!" I said kissing him.

"What do I wear?" he asked.

"Well we aren't meeting the president so anything." I said.

Zayn and I came from two complete different worlds. He was British, I was American. He was a pretty boy, I was that athletic girl. He was amazingly gorgeous and I was under average. Opposite attract I guess.

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