A Pack A Family

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I got up to stand next to Ethan I look back at Rylee and she smiles at me.

"Now as you all know I will need two of you to help me with the ceremony of adding another wolf into the pack so wants to give their old Alpha a hand," Ethan said in a cheeky way.

"I'll do it," Said a guy from the warriors as he stood up.

"Andrew good one more," Ethan said as Andrew stood next to me.

"I can give you a hand," Said a girl from the Hunters as she stood up.

"Malia decided to earn your keep," Ethan said.

"Har har har it's not the first time I've done this" Malia said as she stood on my other side.

"Now a word of waning the last part of this process is going to hurt like hell but-" Ethan said but I cut him off.

"No pain no gain," I said.

"Fair enough now after these two have taken their positions just repeat after me," Ethan said as the two of them stood around me until the formed a triangle.

"I stand here at the summit of an Alpha that is not my own but here upon this night in the glow of the moon which gives me my power I will shed the chains on my mind and body that my Alpha holds," I said after Ethan spoke them and I felt a feeling of release wash over me and I knew it was working.

"This is where it will start to hurt," Ethan said and all three moved in closer.

"Do it," I said with a smile and he smiles back with slight surprise on his face.

"I the Alpha of this summit see a wolf with no pack robing her of purpose I will give her that once again as I give her a place with my warriors," Ethan then put his hand on head and that is when I felt it.

His hands were like a burning hot branding iron a feeling that I sadly was all too familiar with the pian did not bother me much but it still hurt like hell just like Ethan said it would.

"I hereby give you a place among my warriors as a member of my pack, your Alpha was cruel and abusive I will no be so, I will be kind and forgiving and will see you not as a slave nor as wolf but as sister as I do all those with a place in my pack we are all brothers and sisters," Ethan said and I felt the pain lessen with each word until he finally removed his hand I fell from the sudden shock.

"Welcome Valentin to the pack," Ethan said and the whole area erupted in cheers and yells of appreciation as I stood and the two behind me both gave me a pat on the back.

Then all the others stood and then the whole place was full of chatter and laughter.

"This happens at every summit these summits are a time for many issues to be brought to attention and a time for celebration so go talk meet your new pack and enjoy your self," Ethan said as he laid a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not too good at making friends," I said.

"Well I can help with that," Said a girl from behind me.

I turned and saw another red head just like Rylee but with more curls in her hair and red eyes.

"Ah, Audrey good to see you been a while," Said Ethan.

"It's been like a month," Audrey said making me giggle.

"Yes to long for someone of your abilities and talents," Ethan said.

"Whatever your the new girl Valentina right cool name stick with me tonight and you'll make friends for sure," Audrey said pointing a finger at me.

"Sure why not," I said getting a smile from Audrey.

Audrey took me around the bonfire and introduced me to some of her closest friends she seemed to know everyone to some extent but her blood pack as she called them consisted of Seth, Jace, Luke Lola and Rylee. As Audrey showed me all her friends and told me stories about the pack and it here I found my self laughing at some of the jokes she made and for the first time in a long time I felt happy really happy.

"So what do you think do you like the pack so far," Audrey said as we found a seat by the fire.

"Yeah their all pretty cool as far as werewolves go," I said.

"You might want to see them as more than that," Audrey said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Well, what if you need to pick a mate as you rise through the ranks witch I can tell you want to do so you will need a mate to help you along that path," Audrey said and her words made sense if I do rise to lead warrior or even Delta I will need a mate.

"I'll give that some thought," I said.

At that moment Seth came flying and landed at our feet with a thud as laughter followed him I turned to see a bunch of people in a circle and one with his shirt off looking smug.

"Another K.O." One said.

"What up Seth lose your footing of something," Another shouted as some of the others laughed.

"What's all that?" I asked.

"Just Owens regular fights he dose this every time," Audrey said and I thought for a moment.

"In that case," I said getting up.

"Woah your not actually going to challenge him are you?" Audrey said.

"Why not I might as well find were I stand among the other warriors," I said.

"I mean if your sure but he is very strong," Audrey said.

"So is my uncle," I said cracking my knuckles.

"All right whos next," Owen said holding his arms.

"Me," I said and all heads turn to me.

"Well well well looky here the newbie wants to earn her fangs," Owen said.

"Something like that so you ganna fight me or what," I said and I saw Rylee had come to see what was up.

"Fair enough step into the circle and we can begin," Owen said and I saw that there was a circle made of roks so took a step forward and entered the circle.

"Rules are simple no fangs, no claws, no shifting and no biting it happened, you win by pushing your opponent out of the circle once or causing them to fall five times," Owen said and I nodded.

We both put our hands up and then we walked around the each of the circle waiting for the other to make a move and then I saw it he was ever so slightly inching closer with every full circle he made but that was only going to make him more predictable.

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