Epilogue 1: A short time later

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The funerals had started three days after the battle. Draco was still on bed rest for another week, recovering from what had ultimately amounted to four broken ribs, a broken clavicle, a severe concussion, a crushed humerus, and a collapsed lung. After much berating, he had been released from the hospital ward with strict instructions from Madam Pomfrey to remain as immobile as possible.

He, along with Hermione, Theo, and Blaise, had temporarily moved into Blaise's mother's still-vacant flat in London where he had a private healer that was on-contract with the Malfoy family come every few days to monitor his recovery.

Calling the place a flat, Hermione had decided upon seeing the residence, was a bit misleading. Elegant four-bedroomed townhouse apartment with a private garden was a much more apt description. Hermione was still trying to get used to being friends with the obscenely wealthy upper-echelon of the wizarding world; while her parents had made good money and she had never wanted for much, it was still foreign to literally never have to worry about what something might cost.

Narcissa had opted not to return to Malfoy Manor either, instead staying with her also newly widowed sister Andromeda at her home in Bexleyheath. From what Hermione had heard, the two were working on mending their relationship as well as recovering from their individual hardships brought about by the war.

While there had been some public outcry about the surviving Malfoys' exoneration, all present at the battle, as well as the remaining two thirds of the 'Golden Trio,' had testified on their behalf and any charges that might have been raised were quickly dismissed. The Prophet had gone so far as to paint Draco as something of a hero, despite his adamantly refusing to comment.

When Harry had eventually emerged from his grief-induced catatonia, he had shared the story of Severus Snape with the assistance of the memories he had been provided. Of his true loyalties in acting on Dumbledore's wishes, as well as his personal motivations in protecting Harry.

The only issue was that nobody seemed to know where the man had disappeared to. The day of the battle, shortly after Remus' recollection, Kingsley and Bill had gone to retrieve him from the Shrieking Shack, only to find that he had vanished without a trace.

Hermione eventually pulled it out of Draco that his mother had set Snape up at one of their properties in France, allowing him time to lay low and recover both physically and emotionally. Hermione debated telling Harry but thought it could probably wait. Harry, bless him, had decided Snape was a bit of a hero as well, and she could only imagine how that conversation might go when it inevitably occurred.

Hermione's theory that Dumbledore had lost his mind before dying was only reinforced by Snape's story. How the old wizard had imagined everything playing out was beyond her, and she tried not to think about how differently things might have gone without the cloak and dagger act, but she kept her grievances largely quiet, voicing them only to Draco – who adamantly agreed.

Harry himself was staying at The Burrow with the Weasley family, leaning on one another in their collective grief. Hermione stopped over a couple times but found it more difficult being there than she had anticipated. While coping with the sadness permeating the house was one thing, the memories that flooded her upon entering the home were something entirely different.

It was during one such visit that she finally caught up with Harry, sitting next to him on his bed in the twins' old room.

He told her what had happened after they lost her at the Manor.

Apparently, it had been Dobby that had got them out – he was planning to come back and get her after transporting Harry and Ron, but he ultimately perished under Bellatrix's blade before he had the chance. They apparated to Shell Cottage on the coast where Bill and Fleur were staying, taking Griphook, a Gringotts goblin, Luna, Dean and Mr. Ollivander with them, all of whom were being held in the dungeons of the Manor for one reason or another.

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