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Harry heaved a deep sigh as he walked along the rock coated grounds. He was bored. Not just bored at this moment but bored of his life. He did the same things everyday. 

Get up, eat breakfast, play with his dog, go to work, come back home, watch a movie, get takeout, and then go to bed. 

The cycle was boring Harry out of his mind. The only exciting thing is when he walks home by the train tracks. He's only started doing it recently but it was cool to see the graffiti painted on the shipping containers. He was no artist but he knew a job well done when he saw it.

Quietly singing under his breath he pushes his hair out of his eyes. It was starting to get long and he couldn't decide if he liked it or not. 

Taking a bandanna out of his backpack he pushed it on his head before pulling it back up, and taking the chocolate curls along with it. 

Satisfied he shoved his hands deeper into his skinny jeans just as the rumble of the train started to vibrate through his long legs. He slowed down his pace to wait for the train but didn't stop all together. He turned his head as the lights came into view and the train tooted. Wincing he covered his ears. 

He wasn't a fan of loud noises. Something about this train felt different and he couldn't figure out why. Squinting his eyes against the dust being blown up by the oncoming locomotive. There was something different. 

There was a blurry shape sitting on top of the cars. No make that two. That was new, he thought. This time he did fully stop walking and strained his eyes to try and make out the figures. 

From what he could see there were two men sitting carelessly on top of the train. One with raven hair and the other caramel colored. They were both muscled, probably from pulling themselves onto high-speed vehicles. 

From here it looks like they were smoking a joint but did he expect any less? There was a duffel bag lying in between their legs. What if they're murderers? Harry thought, thinking back to the Criminal Minds episode where the unsub had used a train to get around.

Shaking his head to get the idea out he refocused his eyes back on the two boys. 

The light haired one seemed to have noticed Harry staring because he dug his elbow into the other boy's side and angled his head in Harry's direction. 

Harry flushed at being caught and quickly looked at his feet. He looked back up when his face had decided to not look like a tomato. 

The raven haired boy had stood up, slinging the duffel bag across his body before extending a hand to his friend. Harry realized they were nearing a tunnel. Grasping his hand he let the duffel bag boy pull him up before they started moving. 

They moved with a grace that had Harry openly gaping. They jumped over railings and across gaps before they reached a car with an open door. Grabbing onto the ledge as if they had done it a hundred times, which they probably had. 

Harry sucked in a breath as he lowered himself off the edge, legs dangling in the rushing air as the train sped on. Harry released the breath once both boys were back inside and out of harm's way. Realizing he had been staring Harry blushed once again and tried to ignore the train hoppers. He started walking, chuckling to himself as the train continued on past. 

Maybe his life could get a little more exciting. 



So i hope you guys enjoyed this. i've done some oneshots with larry but this is my first book. this idea came to me when i was reading The Institute. tell me if you liked it!

- annie

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