Just so you know cheat series final part kiri X shinso

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IRL*thinks to self today is the day i have to break one of their hearts this is gonna suck like a lot* stalls grabbing her phone before actually grabbing it and jumping in the class on a group chat where she sees denki being a doofus again

denki:And that's why i put the crayons up my nose because bakugou said i would sneeze rainbows

todoroki: Denki do you know the mean of the word fucking gullible

Irl:while rading the chat currently happening you couldn't help but laugh at how gullble denki seriously  was you thought you would watch the chat for a little bit longer just internest in this convoation

Deku:so if kacchen told you to jump of a cliff and someone will be at the bottom to catch you would you believe that and do it 

jiro:he most likely would his an idiot

denki: yeah your idiort



Deku:oh hey are you ok?

Y/n:can someone add shinso and kiri

mina:I'LL DO IT!!!

Y/N:christ on a bike how long have you been on mina and do you have to scream in text and in you room while typing i am next door  you know i can hear 

Kiri is online shinso is online 

Kiri:hey Y/Nyou wanted me and shinso

shinso:what he said

Y/N:I shouldn't love you but I want to I just can't turn away 

I shouldn't see you but I can't moveI can't look away


shinso:make that double 

Y/N:I shouldn't love you but I want to

I just can't turn away

I shouldn't see you but I can't move

I can't look away

bakuboom: one who changed my name and two Y/N you already said that why are you repeating

Y/N:And I don't know how to be fine when I'm not 'Cause I don't know how to make a feeling stop

shinso:what feeling

kiri:what he said

bakuboom:can you two talk normally

todoroki:i guess when it comes to Y/N the anwser is no

Y/N:Just so you know This feeling's taking control of me

And I can't help it I won't sit around, I can't let 'em win now

Thought you should know I've tried my best to let go of you

But I don't want to I just gotta say it all Before I go Just so you know

Kiri:wait your   going 

shinso you can't are you crazy 

Y/N:It's getting hard to be around you There's so much I can't say

Do you want me to hide the feelings And look the other way

And I don't know how to be fine when I'm not

'Cause I don't know how to make a feeling stop

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