My Day Off

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I began to stir when I smell something cooking , I tried to jump up but I am too sore . I slowly get up and drag myself to the kitchen to see what was going on .Once getting to the kitchen I saw Mira bustling away . I quietly sit at the table and just watch her . "I can't believe she's here , has she been  here the entire time I have been asleep ?" I think to myself . She then turns and sees me " Oh good morning grumpy , how are you feeling today?" she asked in a cheery tone almost to sweet to handle . I smile " I'm feeling ok , just sore . " I answer . she brings me a plate of food " I hope you are hungry , I had to keep busy ." she blushed slightly . I nod and take the plate devouring it in seconds , I stopped and realized I must of been hungrier then I thought . I smiled shyly " Sorry , I feel like I haven't eaten in days . " I said , she waved it off " Its ok it has been days " she said looking at me with a smile . I look at her confused " How long exactly have I been asleep ?" I asked her , she shrugged " I don't know three ,or four days . you did use alot of magic. " she explained , I looked at her "Were you here the entire time taking care of me ?" I asked,  she nodded and gave me a blushing look . "Mira .....Thank you , I simply do not deserve your kindness." I say with a smile . She walks up to the other side of the table and sits and looks at me " I have some things to ask and I want you to be honest , no smart ass answers , can you do that for me ?" she asked , I nod. " Why did you come straight home after the fight instead of going to the guild ?", I sighed " Everyone was happy the fight was over and I was drained and exhausted , If I went to the guild everyone would see me in that state , I didn't want anyone to see me like that ." I answered honestly , she nodded " Why ...why did you save me like you did , As soon as I was in trouble you came after me ."  she asks , I blush " I....I ...." I take a deep breath and try again as Mira tries to hide a smile " I like you Mira , I know we have both made it clear we like each other , I just ....really like you Mira . When you were taken all I could see was red and I just wanted to protect you even if it meant taking on Jose   ." I look down feeling she would be mad at my confession of being reckless because of her . she simply got up walked around the table and crouched down to look into my eyes. " Was it so hard to admit that to me ?" she said with a smile " If you asked me on a date I might say yes , depending on your attitude ."  she says playfully . I smile " Mira ...would you please go on a da-" I was cut off by a loud Elfman barging into my house . I sighed "Brother he was just going to ask me on a date and you choose now to burst in and be loud !" she shouted , for some reason I began to laugh at her irritation . I take Mira's hand and kiss it " Will you let me take you out once I stop hurting from busting through a wall from an attacking guild ?" I asked her with snark , she laughed "Of course my grumpy wizard ." she said with a girly smile on her face . Elfman tried to catch his breath  and then looked at me " Master ....wants to ..... talk to you ."   he said finally catching his breath , I nod and slowly get up . "Fine , but its gonna take a -" I was again cutoff by Elfman picking me up . "Do not get used to this you ass." I say to sore to fight back . 

Time skip 

As I slowly walked into the guild hall all the members stand up and begin cheering for me . "YEAH F/N!!!!. "  , "He beat Jose !" . "He saved everyone with his wave magic ." . I begin to feel embarrassed , Mira took my hand and gave me a smile . This put me at ease . I came to Masters door and she let go of my hand " I will be right here ." she said sweetly . I nodded and knocked on the door . " Come on in ." Makarov shouts , I walk in and see master bandaged up  sitting on his desk . He motions for me to sit and I follow his instruction and sit silently . He takes a deep breath " How are you feeling F/n?" he asks , I sigh " I am ok just sore and still very tired , But fine overall ." I answer . He smiled " First I want you to know I was told about how you stepped up and led  the guild while I was hurt . I want to say thank you ."  His entire mood changed " Now the real reason I wanted you here , After beating Jose he had dropped the ten wizard saint mantel . This leaves a spot open and to be honest everyone wants you to consider the position.". My eyes went wide  " Hold on .....want me to accept the title , like be one of you guys ? " I sit up " But guys are the strongest wizards around ." I begin to ramble ," F/n we just want you to consider it , you have a week to think about it , just think it over ." he says with a smile  , I nod " I will , now if you excuse me I have tub of ice to lay in ." I say jokingly . We both share a laugh and I leave the room and head to the bar in the guild and sit down to think . Cana was on the other side of the bar and slide me a shot of something "Looks like you can use this ." she said with a sigh , I nod and knock the drink , putting the glass on the bar . "Thanks Cana , Needed that ." I stand up and go to walk out when a lightning blast hit me through the door sending me back into the wall on the other side of the guildhall . "Hahahahaha How did that feel 'Hero'? " Laxus shouted . Mira ,Elfman ,and Makrov ran to me to check on me , I held up my hand  stopping them and stood up , my eyes set on the lightning dragon slayer . My eyes glowing an ominous blueish white light . " What you mean that gust of wind from opening the door , Felt great ." I say making my way towards Laxus , he in turn came towards me . " I am going to love hurting you ." he says , " I am going to rip you apart you cheap hitting spoiled brat ." . We came face to face and Master Makarov placed giant hands between us   " That is enough  you two. "  he said in a stern tone . I took a deep breath and nodded " Understood master ."  I took a step back and walked to Mira and Elfman .  Laxus laughed " Old man's got you trained good huh puppy."  he looked at  me and shot a small volt towards me , I negated it and shook my head with a smile " I said enough Laxus !!!" Makarov shouted . I gently place my hand on Makarovs shoulder " Master , let me handle it . I promise not to fight him ." I said calmly . Makarov sighed " He is dead set on this , ok then F/n have it your way ." . I walk passed Master and Laxus and head to the door and turned around " Come on Sparky out side ." I say backing outside . I get some distance and wait , a zap of lightning and Laxus appears " I'll make you beg for me to stop ." he says with a growl . I sigh and nod . He then shoots lightning at me , dodge left and right avoiding them .   He yelled " Lightning Dragon Roar !" a ,massive blast of magic was sent towards me . I just stand firm and activate wave barrier , nullifying the magic all together .Once the dust settles everyone sees I am unfazed . I groan " do you got it out of your system yet?"  I say to Laxus . He zooms towards me and punches me sending me flying backwards causing me to roll when I hit the ground . "If I wasn't sore It wouldn't hurt so bad ." I say to myself . Mira comes within earshot " Please .....just stay down ." I stop and look at her , she had tears in her eyes . I give a small nod and fall backwards onto the ground . "Get up , we aren't done yet !!" he runs up to me and grabs my shirt and picks me up slamming me into a tree . I grunt from the impact " You win , I'm done ." I say monotone . he then punches my gut and picks me up and slams me into the ground " FIGHT BACK!!" he screamed . I stayed down "No  , we are part of the same guild . We shouldn't fight each other ." I say with gasping breaths .  He then kicks me while I am on the ground until he is breathing heavy . He sighs " I guess you are a coward . " he says while zapping away .  I get up and laugh " That'll show em ." I joked before I dropped to my knees . Makarov came over to me " I... I'm sorry F/n . " I smile " It's ok , he just wants to make sure everyone knows he is the number one wizard here , I'm cool with it . " Mira comes up to me " I'm sorry I told you to stay down ,I thought he would stop ,but he kept hurting you . " I held my hand up " No , You both need to hear this , No one makes me do anything , I do what I do because I want to . Now Mira and I have a date planed and that ass whooping gave me a great Idea ." I stand up and give Both master and Mira a hug . and turn to head into the village .

Time skip 

After going to the market I head home. I step inside and see it empty . "Good , Now to get to work . "  Some time has passed as I cooked a meal for three , and organized the basket  with the surprise inside . I then hear a knock at the door " Come in " I shout . Elfman and Mira both walk in , they are hit by the aroma of the food I cooked . "Something smells delicious F/n." Mira says in a flirty tone . Elfman nods " Maybe I should give you both some -' I cut him off for once " I made plenty for you too Elfman , and I have a lil surprise for us . "  They both smiled , then Mira looked concerned . I smiled " I am ok I promise , Plus I can just take it easy this week just to be safe . " I say , she smiled " Good ,cause I want more of this ." she said talking about me being in an apron . I nod and give her a wink " Maybe you will maybe you won't ." I say playfully . I grab the basket and motion us to go outside . 

Time skip 

As we are walking into the center of town we head to the park . I find and good spot and put down the basket , I open it up and pull out a  huge padded cover  . I lay it out for all three of us and motion for us to sit down . I move the basket to the center of us and pull out premade plates of food and utensils . Suddenly a chill in the air hit Mira , I saw her shiver and smiled "I thought of this ." I said proud of myself . I pull out a smaller cover and drape it over her shoulders . "Thank you for this F/n ." , Yes F/n this is very manly and well thought out ."  the both said .

 I smiled " It's not even the best part yet . "  they both looked at me ,then the bell tower rang and suddenly small whistling ,hissing ,and popping could be heard . Explosions in the night sky lit up the town . I smile and sigh  " You like my surprise Mira ?"  I ask but I received no answer . I glanced at her and saw she and Elfman were  entranced by the beautiful lights and colors . The blues and reds glowed gingerly on her skin and her sparkling eyes . I blushed as she notice I was watching her , " I really love this F/n , thank you ."  she said placing her head on my shoulder .  I stare up at the sky thinking " Best day off ever ."  

Time skip 

 As I walk them both home I yawn and stretch. We get to the door and Elfman give me a wave and walks inside . Mira stays out and gives me a gentle kiss on the cheek " Thank you for including him , I know most people would be put off by it ,but we are just very protective of each other . " she said with a look I didn't recognize at first , but I let it go .  I smile  " I don't mind it so much , I find us becoming friends and you .....I may just start falling for you sooner then later ." I say teasing . she moved closer  " Is that so my grumpy wizard , maybe we should speed things up a bit then . " she pulled me close and kissed me deeply , but unlike all the others we didn't break this one . her hands explored my chest and waist . Mine did the same feeling up her body ,her curves and her waist pulling her closer . We both broke the kiss and begin to laugh  " Well I can't wait to pay you back for this date F/n ."  she said playfully . I smirk " I hope it has surprises as well ."  .After a few kisses and a final good bye I head back home . Once I go inside I place the basket on the counter and head into the bedroom, change and fall asleep . 

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