a/n: someone is copying me?

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Hello beans-

I am SUPPOSED to be 'resting' but there some news that I need to share- Bad news.

I was going to stock up some roman angst,  so I could sleep & read (because why the hell not?) and then I found this:

I was going to stock up some roman angst,  so I could sleep & read (because why the hell not?) and then I found this:

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(I found this while searching #roman angst & #highschool au) 

So it looked nice and all, so I was like "Hmm lemme check this out" and I find out they/he/she used the same word for word story for my chapter. The annoying part is she/he/they tried and change small things like the chapter name and the title. 

I don't know who the hell you, 'Sasha' are but these chapters took me a long time to make. The funny thing is I don't think you can copy and paste when you hover over someone else's  story, so I'm guessing she/he/they legit typed/ "re-wrote" my whole story.  Why would you waste your time?

I already tried and dm-ed 

I'm giving her/him/them two hours, since she/he/they updated this pretty recently I'm sure they/she/he's online but I really can't believe someone would do something like this

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I'm giving her/him/them two hours, since she/he/they updated this pretty recently I'm sure they/she/he's online but I really can't believe someone would do something like this. I'm not asking you to go and attack her/him/them- this was just to inform that she/he/they is copying me.

Sorry for the rant-

Stay Safe my bean (~^v^)~

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