Finally home!

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(Frostbite's POV)


          Let's recap. On my first day of school, I was stared at, bullied, embarrassed, pushed, and last but not least, I felt pain. Oohhhhh, can't forget the pain part.

          I'm joking of course. It hurt bad. But besides the point. All I wanted was to sleep. It was at that moment where I heard a buzz from my phone. Putting my paw over it, I thought hard for a second, then the home screen switched to Discord.

          How did I do that? Well, my humans, we are very advanced Pokémon. We make phones for those who can't tap of them. They basically read our thoughts and navigate to where we want to go.

         I saw a text from a channel labeled "little evees". I scanned the picture that the evee took. He had snuck the picture when no adults had been looking his way, judging by the way it was blurry. But still, the message was obvious; another evee was getting picked on. I jumped out of bed and started sprinting towards the park.

         Jumping over the fence that guarded the park, I landed in front of an evee. The eveelutions who were bulling her retreated slighting, then laughed when they saw me; it was obvious that I had a type disadvantage, and there was three of them, even though they were young Pokémon.

         Well, you heard it from Midnight's perspective. I'll make it short. I hissed. They attacked. I defended. They ran away. Looking up, I noticed Midnight sprinting towards me and the evee. Halfway to us, a blur collided into him.

"Ugh." Yeah, I said that out loud. No use to pretend I was happy to see my cousin.

The sylveon and umbreon tumbled into each other. What ended up happening was Midnight on top of my dear cousin, Sylvia.

When I looked at them, I was forced to remember when me and Midnight were in that exact position.

But that didn't mean I blushed. It meant that I just got a bit more annoyed.

Sylvia gave Midnight a knowing wink, which made him blush. I rolled my eyes; trust my cousin the take him away from me- I meant, take my friend away from me. Next thing you know, he's gonna try to murder me in my sleep.

Turning away from them, I faced the evee behind me. "Star, is it?" She nodded, her face red from embarrassment.

I smiled gently and patted her head. "Go to your brother, I'll see you later. In the mean time, I need to take care of the sylveon who is below Midnight." The evee nudged my hand and asked a question with her yellow eyes.

I tilted my head. "Ask your brother first." She made a face and walked towards the umbreon, with me following.

Star looked at me. Sighing, I translated her look to actual words that a Pokémon can understand. "She wants to stay with me tonight. Is that fine, Midnight?"

He opened his mouth- to protest, maybe- when Sylvia made a attempt to make me look bad. "Wait," said Sylvia. "I thought I was sleeping in your room? Or are you giving me up to a stupid evee?" I saw Star's eyes fill with tears.

Walking up to the sylveon, I froze her in place. "No one," I said in a dangerously low voice, "no one insults her like that. There's a guest room for you, because you always say that my room is too dirty and ugly. You're gonna pay for being rude." With a flick of my paw, she unfroze and glared at me. She started an attack (maybe to pick me up and slam me into a wall) but I picked Star up and tossed her on my back. I sprinted all the way home and didn't stop until I was safe in my locked room.

        Good grief. Time to make Star her little room.

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