Chapter 14

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Abby's P.O.V

After what happened at Ezra's i ran home because i was so shocked. As soon as i got home i ran up to my bedroom and locked the door. I layed on my bed thinking about what happened until my mum shouted dinner was ready. "so darling how was your day" my dad asked "it was amazing Riker came and surprised me and i spent some time with a friend" i explained "oh really who was the friend" my mum asked "the friend was Abby wright" i replied "sound like a lot of fun" my dad said. I feel bad about lieing to my parents. I know i should tell them about the Ezra thing but if i do they would call the police and get Ezra arrested and if they do call the police some old history will come up and that history is basically that me and Ezra were dating when he was my English teacher and i don't want that to come out because then my parents would kill me because i never told them.

After dinner i went up to have a shower because i was so nervous and when i am nervous i sweat like a pig. I was so confused i needed to talk to someone so i decided to call Daniella because i know Daniella will give me some good advice.

D- hey Abby what's up

A - hey Daniella do you remember our English teacher Mr Fitz?

D- yeah why

A- well he came round mine for dinner two days ago and then yesterday i saw him in town and we mind of went back to his apartment and i guess you can figure out the rest

D- Abby you and him 

A- well kind of 

D- what do you mean kind of

A- i stooped him and he feel asleep 

D- what happened next

A- i ran home

D- Abby we need to talk about this in person when are you coming home 

A- my flight is tomorrow night

D- okay i pick you up from the airport with your brothers bye go to go to bed 

A- night thank you Daniella for listen 

D- no problem i love you Abby like a sister

A- i love you to like a sister

After my call with Daniella i just read a book to get my mind of things. By the time i finished reading my book it was about 10:00 pm so i  decide i should get some rest because i have to pack tomorrow. i went down stairs to get a drink and Ezra was there."what are you doing here" i asked "i really am sorry Abby i was drunk i had been drinking before i saw you" said Ezra "really because i don't care we did not do anything all you did was kiss me and then i stooped you from doing anything more and then you fell asleep" i explained to him "oh well i am still sorry for kissing you" Ezra apologized "i accept your apolagie now leave my mum and dad are in bed and i am going to bed". he left after all the apologizes. so i got my drink and went back upstairs and feel asleep as soon as i hit the pillow.

my high school crush (Riker lynch/ R5 fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now