Chapter Six

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This morning, I woke up still in a bitter sweet mood. I had to get up and call Joan to discuss my father's will and testiment today. When I got up from my bed I felt an uneasy feeling, just a weird feeling I can't describe. I haven't talked to Eric since yesterday but I have to keep an open mind and not say anything about my father.

I grabbed my cell phone and I had six texts and four missed calls from Eric. It's funny because I had my phone with me last night and it never went off while I was reading. Weird? I shot him a quick text and told him that I was out of it and sleep. He just do too much when he finds shit out and lately he's been irritating. I got out of the bed and went to freshen up in the shower and put something comfortable on.  I guess a blue sweat pants and a black t-shirt type of day for me.

After I got myself together, I sat down in the living room and tried to search a phone number for Joan. I looked through three different phone books and even searched through Google. No luck. Then I remembered the note that my father left for me and ran upstairs to grab it. After I found the note my doorbell rung.

"Who is it?" I yelled.

"Its me! Who you expecting?" They said.

When I opened the door, Eric was standing there looking like he lost something.

"Oh hi Eric." I said.

"Hi Eric my ass!! You didn't get none of my texts or phone calls? " he asked.

"Look Eric! Just chill out. I texted you back and told you what happened! Geez!" I said.

"Okay, Okay Winter!! I'm calm. I just wanted to talk last night but I'm here now. Are you busy?" He asked.

"Well for the moment I was working on a task and theres still a few things I have to get out my fathers house." I lied.

"Well can I borrow twenty minutes of your time?" He said.

Twenty minutes.. Oh yeah.. this will only be a second.  I Thought.

"Yeah sure!" I said.

We walked into the kitchen, I sat down and crossed my arms.

"So look the boys came through and I need to know will you be ready tommorrow night?" He said.

"Tomorrow night?? For what!!" I yelled.

"I told you--" I interrupted.

"No, no!!! You told me this weekend Eric!! And whatever it is why do you need me?"I asked.

"Because I need your smarts!! They found something that might be worth some money baby and look that money can be ours!" He said.

I got up from my chair and looked at him.

"Eric I don't need any money or anything from you! I have my own money! And I'm not going!" I said.

He got up and stood in front of me.

"You are going with me!" He said.

"No im--!!" Before I could finish my sentence, Eric punched me in my face. I was holding my face and I screamed.

"I know your bitch ass, didn't hit me!!" I said.

"Like I said!! That money will be ours and you are going and that's final!!" He said, "Do you understand?"

He reached down and grabbed my face to look at me.

"I said DO YOU understand me?" He said.

"Yeah." I said.

He gave me a kiss and walked out the door slamming it shut. I touched my face, sat still on the floor and cried. I couldn't help but to come to realization that Eric has to go because this isn't working. For the life of me I cannot believe this nigga hit me like that. And for what... that's right!! Nothing, I just didn't want to go anywhere with him. I wish my dad was here.. I miss him.

After thirty minutes, I went to the bathroom and cleaned my face. I really did not want to go with Eric and why did he want to go so bad. Damn! I grabbed the note my father left and turned it to the back and found an address but no phone number. This must be to see Joan. I grabbed my phone and my keys and drove to the address.

When I met Joan she was the sweetest. She told me that she was expecting me to come and she laid everything out there.

"Well Ms. Winter, from the looks of it, by you being an only child and you have no spouses, your father left you everything." She said.

"What do you mean everything?" I asked.

" Well, your father left you two properties, his mansion house on Capitol lane and a small town home, then in twenty-four you will have a bank transfer of 2.8 million dollars and two bank safes." She said.

"Wait did you say--?" She interrupted.

"Yes two properties, 2.8 million dollars also two safes." She continued "He also, have stock shares in the historic building's funding which you will own." She said.

I couldn't speak.

"Ms Kelly? Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yes um, I am." I said.

She pulled out some forms to have me sign and she went to fax them. For some reason I felt sick again but the feeling quickly subsided when she came back.

"Okay so I faxed all of the paper work and in twenty-four hours all of the transactions will be processed. In the meantime, just take it easy okay." She said.

She handed me the folders,  I shook her hands and walked out the door. I wasn't as excited as I was supposed to be because for one I have a non realistic ass boyfriend who just showed me his true colors, my dad is dead and I have been made rich. It's not the point though, my priorities just not straight.

I took the long way home, I was so deep in thought. I just have to finish reading everything tonight. I felt like it was a duty for me to do this, for my father and I was determined.

When I got home, it felt like it was freezing in my house now. I went to turn the heat on a little bit and fired my fire place. I then took my hair down and got comfortable. I ran upstairs and grabbed the key out my safe and placed the file inside the safe.

I ran back downstairs, grabbed everything and sat it in the living room. I warmed up some alfredo chicken and grabbed my favorite wine Chardonnay. I sat in the living room and I ate as I looked through the newspapers I found and the heavy book. I found out that the reason why my father felt like his friend betrayed him was because he ratted out what they found but it was never reported where it was. In moscow, around this time, in 1975 of December, they was able to trap and bound him. His screams and cries didn't make them feel no less. And the legend had it, that after he was chained, he was put in a coffin deep in the depths of Moscow's most terrifying graveyard and they never spoke about it again.

After awhile, it dawned on me what my father found, it was a Vampire. But by my father not able to find out more, they put him away when my father was destined to learn his story and help him.

I closed the files and grabbed my key and unlocked the safe. And inside the safe was a black journal. As soon as I picked up the journal, my fireplace flared up real high, I jumped up and dropped the journal. Once it stopped flaring up. Every candle I had in my living room lit all by themselves and then I felt a cold breeze coming from some where in the room. As I looked around I noticed that my patio door was opened and the cold air or air was seeping through. The bad part was that I didn't remember leaving my patio door open. It always stayed shut and locked at night. When i walked back to my living room, on my wall right above the fireplace was a message written in smoke... "Help Him" Then that sickly feeling I felt earlier came back and this time I threw up on my floor, it happened so fast.

After I finished, I thought to myself...

'What the fuck is wrong with me?'

*********TO BE CONTINUED***********

Okay guys.. hit the Vote, comments are welcoming and like this chapter for me...

What do you think? What is really wrong with Winter? Is the same place Eric wants her to go just so happens to be the same graveyard??

Find out Next...❤❤❤❤

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