Keeho's fiasco

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Keeho(left his room knocking on Soul's door)
Soul(open his door)
Keeho-Come to my room
Soul(left his room came in Keeho's room)
Keeho(knocking on Intak's door)
Intak(open his door smiling at Keeho)Greetings Keeho
Keeho-Hi Intak come to my room
Intak-Ok(left his room came in Keeho's room to Soul)Hello Soul
Soul(waving his hands)
Intak-How are you?
Soul(giving Intak a thumbs up)
Intak-Glad to hear that(giggling)
Keeho(knocking on Theo's door)
Theo(open his door to Keeho)Yes Keeho what do you need?
Keeho-I need you to come to my room
Theo-Okie dokie(left his room came in Keeho's room to Soul and Intak)Hello guys
Intak-Hi Theo
Soul(waving his hands)
Keeho(knocking on Jongseob's door)
Jongseob(open his door to Keeho)Whats up Keeho
Keeho-Sup Jongseob(pointing at his room)
Jongseob-Oh right(left his room came in Keeho's room)
Theo Intak and Soul( to Jongseob yelling in joyful)WELCOME TO KEEHO'S ROOM!!!!!
Jongseob(cheering)Oh boy we will have party in his room
Theo Intak Soul and Jongseob(squealing in joyful)
Keeho(knocking on Jiung's door)
Jiung(paused the game open his door to Keeho)Hello Keeho wanna game with me?
Keeho-Later but come to my room
Jiung(left his room came in Keeho's room)
Jongseob(to Jiung)Welcome to Keeho's room
Intak-Also we will have party
Jiung(gasp)A party?
Soul(nodding his head)
Jiung(cheering)I am so excited
Theo Jiung Soul Intak and Jongseob(jumping on Keeho's bed squealing)
Keeho(came in his room close his door notice everyone is jumping on his bed to everyone)Boys stop jumping on my bed
Soul-But Keeho we are having party in your room
Keeho-No Soul i'm here to tell you guys about my fiasco
Everyone(stopped jumping on Keeho's bed)
Intak-Your what?
Keeho-My fiasco
Everyone(sat on Keeho's bed)
Theo-What is your fiasco?
Keeho-My fiasco is castle
Soul-Thats your fiasco?
Jiung-What about castle?
Keeho-So today when i went to a castle
Soul(nodding his head)
Keeho-I went inside and it was beautiful
Intak-Did you take a picture?
Jongseob-Can you show it to us?
Keeho-Sure(show everyone the inside castle)
Theo(about to fell)
Jiung(stopped Theo)
Theo-Thank you Jiung
Intak-Its beautiful i feel like i will(fainted)
Jongseob(took out his fan paper start fanning Intak)
Soul-I would go there
Keeho-But suddenly i break the rules and i was panicking so i left the castle and i ran quickly so i wont get caught by a cops
Soul-Are you ok?
Jongseob-Did the cops caught you?(heard Intak groaning continute fanning Intak)
Keeho-No so lucky me and thats my fiasco
Everyone except Intak(clapping)
Soul-Thank you for telling us your fiasco Keeho
Keeho-No problem
Jiung-I gotta go game(to everyone)Bye guys
Everyone except Intak-Bye Jiung
Jiung(left Keeho's room)
Soul(to everyone)Bye boys im going to sleep
Everyone except Intak-Bye Soul
Soul(left Keeho's room)
Theo(to eveyone)Bye im going to take a walk
Keeho and Jongseob-Bye Theo
Theo(left Keeho's room)
Jongseob(continute fanning Intak)
Keeho(notice Intak on the floor gasp to Jongseob)What happened to Intak?
Jongseob-He fainted when you show us a beautiful inside castle
Jongseob-Can you fan him?(gave Keeho his fan paper)im going to do my paragraph bye Keeho
Keeho-Bye Jongseob please study hard
Jongseob-Thank you(left Keeho's room)
Keeho(fanning Intak)Are you ok Intak?
Intak(groaning)Its beautiful i love it
Keeho(helping Intak up)
Intak(groaning)What happened to me?
Keeho-You fainted when i show you guys a beautiful inside castle
Intak-Thats right
Keeho-Wanna take a rest?
Intak(nodding his head)
Keeho-You can lay on my bed
Intak-Thanks Keeho
Keeho-No problem
Intak(laying on Keeho's bed snoring)
Keeho(laughing putting blanket on Intak turn off his light left his room went downstairs sat on the couch turn the TV start watching TV decrease the volume)
Soul(left his room came downstairs laying on the couch)
Keeho(paused the TV to Soul)Whats wrong Soul?
Soul-I cant sleep
Soul-My beauty sleep is ruined and i have nightmare
Keeho-You have nightmare?
Soul(nodding his head)
Keeho- sorry to hear that Soul
Soul(doing ok gesture)
Keeho-Lets watch the TV together shall we?
Soul(nodding his head sit next to Keeho)
Keeho(unpaused the TV)
Keeho and Soul(start watching the TV)
Soul(took a remote increase the volume alittle bit put a remote down yawning heard Keeho snoring giggling turn off the TV snoring)
Keeho(laying on Soul snoring)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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