Dark Reflections

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It wasn't staying quiet, it just kept whispering in his head over and over and over. It was driving him nuts. The voice echoed through his ears as it spoke to him alone, each word ringing on and on. He slammed the door to the locker room as he rushed to the sink, his head spinning and all his senses twisting. Frank flipped on the sink before soaking his hands in ice cold water. Splashing his face didn't help as the words kept tumbling through his head. Goosebumps rolled across his skin as the room seemed to get colder, he started to shake.

A soft tapping snapped him from his thoughts as he looked up at the mirror in front of him. A white mask stared back at him, hand drawn eyes and a smiling mouth seemed to look into his soul. A dark hood hung over the person's head hiding the top of the mask. In the darkness of the mirror it was hard to see the rest of the person's body. Frank stepped backwards, his eyes widening as flakes of snow filtered down around him. The mask wearer tilted his head a bit to the right watching his movements curiously. The figure brought up his right hand and in his hand sat the hooked blade dripping in crimson blood. The figure's left hand slammed into the glass as the mirror shook with the hit and Frank was frozen stock still.

The figure lowered the blade slowly as it watched him through the mirror before it raised the hand up to the drawn mouth holding up a single finger. The room filled with silence but only for a moment before the creaking of the locker room door sounded, breaking the vision around him. The snow ceased its falling as reality returned to itself and Frank blinked at the three newcomers.

Freddy was the first one he recognized as the teenager wore a simple red shirt and dark jeans. Flanking him were two others who he had only seen in passing. A kid who Frank had thought was more of a science nerd stood to his side with a dark look in his eyes. There was something wrong with the kid in the simple black hoodie and light colored blue jeans. The teenagers' light brown hair was cut short almost to the scalp as the scrawny kid gave their leader a glance. The other teenager to the left of Freddy was wearing almost all black, from his boots up to the black beanie. The young man's copper hair peeked out of the edges of the hat, his green eyes locked on Frank and he felt uneasy at the presence of the three boys.

"So, Frank." Freddy started as Frank heard a small tap from the mirror behind him. He tried to ignore it, he tried to focus on the three boys in front of him. Every fiber of his being clawed into him as the ice seemed to strike his skin again and again, it hurt.

"How do-" Freddy rushed him before Frank got the chance to finish his sentence, his back slamming into the sink. Frank ignored the pain before pushing Freddy backwards trying to get away before hands grabbed his arms. His arms were pulled behind his back as he was wrenched away from the sink and Freddy's two friends held him still. Frank felt the punch in his stomach, the weight of it knocking the wind out of his lungs, he gasped for breath..

The pounding on the mirror grew louder as the reflection slammed its fist against the glass. The pounding got louder and louder each hit threatening to break through the mirror and sending the reflection into their world. Frank tried to focus on getting his breath back but he felt another hit to his gut, knocking the rest of the air out of him. Another boom came from the mirror as whispers screamed through his head.


The voices roared through his mind as he felt the next punch as it connected with his jaw this time. Ice roared up along his spine as fire burned from his injured arm, making his already clouded head more foggy.

Fight... Back...

The next punch hit him in the side of the head, rocking his mind as the voices got louder shrieking at him. The glass was still thumping behind him as he felt another punch landing in his stomach.

Fight Back!

His skin bristled as the thudding behind him became louder before there was a large crack as the screaming became unbearable. Frank felt a chill rush against his skin as he kicked out, knocking Freddy away from him and onto the floor. He yanked his left arm free and was able to knock the nerdy one away. Grabbing the arm of the one dressed in black he yanked his right arm behind his back twisting it as he went.

"Let go of me!" The teen in Frank's grip screamed as Freddy got to his feet. Freddy growled at him, opening his mouth as if he was ready to say something before the slamming of the door caught the group's attention.

"What is going on here!" Principal MacMillan shouted as he stepped into the locker room. Frank released the grip on the teens arm letting him practically fall to the ground.

"This kid attacked my friends!" Freddy gestured at Frank. He yelled before anyone got the chance to say or do anything else. Principal MacMillan didn't look pleased as he ordered the four of them out of the locker room and to the office immediately. The group of four slowly left the locker room muttering to themselves as they went. Frank could feel the bruises forming, everything hurt and his arm was screaming at him.

They were all ordered to sit once they got to the principal's office and before he even sat down Freddy started screaming.

"This freak attacked me! We were just grabbing something from the locker room and he came in and hit me." Freddy yelled. Principal MacMillan didn't respond as he nodded along glancing at one of the other kids, the nerdy looking one.

"Herman, what happened?" He asked as the kid sputtered finally getting his words out after a minute.

"He came into the locker room, didn't say anything... and just hit Freddy..." Herman muttered as the Principle nodded turning to the other teen.

"Danny?" The teen jumped at the sound of his name as if not expecting to get called on.

"What Herman said."

"No, I want to hear what happened from you." Principal MacMillan stated. Danny stuttered over his words not really making any sense as he talked. Frank rubbed at his jaw, it stung at his touch and he knew a bruise was beginning.

"Frank." Principal MacMillan said snapping him out of his thoughts. The principle raised his eyebrow at the teenager noticing the bruise on his jaw before glancing at the other teens seeing no injuries. "Please explain to me what happened?"

"I..." Frank stopped uncertain of what to say. "I went to the locker room for some privacy... they followed me..." Frank admitted as Principle McMillian nodded before taking note of the other three boys.

"We are going to call your parents so for now go sit in those chairs until your parents arrive." The Principal gestured towards the chairs in the main office. Slowly the group moved out to the chairs settling there as Frank kept rubbing his wrists as he thought. He didn't know what happened, what was in that mirror? Why was this happening?


Here is the next part! 

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