( diffrent part of the story) the two worlds colided

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(Ally and shah p.o.v)*ally left and shah is right*

" hey sis what are we going to do? We all need Mai and Ichigo but we can't find them in kargora town(
did I spell the town right?) and in fore what are we going to do now?"I said to my sis ally."I don't think that I have a great way of the day after
a long day at the same thing to say. The fact I can get it right away with the best of the year and I don't think that I have a great way of the year
and I don't think that the two sides to the Kk and I don't think I can get it right away with the best of the day after a while." I said to shah. I gave her a goat and left the room.
( f.y.i she speaks in riddles sorry😭)
* hey sis im sorry I didn't
even get a follow back. The
best thing to say it was the best thing 'I have a good time with the same. The best of luck
with the same thing to say it was the best thing to say.*
*i know I know I'm still trying to find that spell to help you get your wolds right*
*hi to you in a while ago
but the only thing that
would have to go back and
I don't think that the two sides
to the same thing as the best of the year of high quality of
life and the best thing ever I
go back and I don't think
that I can. The only thing that
would have to go back and I have
a good time with the best thing ever I go back and I
have a great way to the point.*
* really what is it do you know
where to find them?*( there in there minds talking to each other)
*yes you can get it to be the
first half of the day I have a great
way to the best of luck with the best thing to say it is not the same time as the best of the day
I have a good day for the next few
weeks of a sudden it was the
first half of the year of high
quality of life and the
best of the year and a great
way to get the hang of
it and it is not the same
thing as the first half
of the day.*( if you
want when they come
up in the story plot
I will tell you what
ally says if she didn't
drink the potion or
the spell cast on her yet?!?!?)*
okay so in a day we will find them right?*,
*yes I am not sure if I could be a good day to be a great way to get the hang of it.*
* okay goodnight little sis its past your bed time.*
goodnight sis*
* hey! You filly got a sentence without your riddle getting in the way but tomorrow we will get it night*
End call in head.

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