The Sausage Party

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Mark frowned at his younger counterpart. "Ethan, what are you doing?" He sighed.

Ethan looked at him with a large smile, "I'm trying to explain how to make sausage!" Ethan gave a long, snout-like laugh, "It's just a little, you know?"

Ethan let out a small snout. He turned towards the camera. He took a deep breath. "It is a very simple and effective method of making sausage, I believe! The system works just as well as it does." Ethan gave a deep breath.

Mark looked on, still confused as to the youngers antics. "Sure, what are you doing here?" Mark said.

He was unsure of himself. The young man looked at him, and then asked , "What do you want me to do?"

Ethan looked down at his handiwork, and felt a little pang of guilt. Mark, perplexed, asked, "What?"

Ethan looked up and said, "I just wanted to make the best sausage, and I can't even do that right." Mark looked at him.

"Hey," Mark spoke softly to Ethan, not wanting to hurt his feelings on accident, "it's okay, you did a good job." Mark gave a slight smile, and then looked at him. Ethan looked up, then back towards the abomination of a sausage he had created.

Tears welled up in his eyes. "Its not good. I ruined it, Mark."

Mark looked at him. " You did a good job with the sausage." Mark said "Especially for your first try."

Ethan sniffled, "Really?"

Mark looked at him. He was almost crying. "It was really good." Mark put his hand on his arm, then looked at him with a kind smile. "I'm proud of you."

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