Come Back Home

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"I'll be quick, I promise," I tell Taehyung as I unbuckle the seatbelt to his Genesis GV80. I head into my apartment to grab some clothes that'll last me the weekend. Their busy schedules have relaxed a tad, so things are beginning to go back to normal (for BTS, that is). I'm relieved. Every night that I am not with them feels like I'm in my own personal hell. This seems dramatic, yes; however, it's the honest truth. I told myself in the past that I wouldn't rely on another person for happiness, although I never said anything about seven people.

Okay, okay. I know how bad this sounds. I think I should reword it-I'm not relying on them per se. I simply adore being in their presence. I mean, who doesn't when they're young and head over heels for their partner? We want to spend every waking moment together. We don't even want to be apart when we're asleep. It's safe to assume that we're in the honeymoon phase and things are a little different during this period.

Before leaving my apartment, I make a stop at the mailbox. Since I'm not working yet, I've been lazing around the members' house the last few days; therefore, the mail has gone unchecked.

"Nothing but junk," I grumble as I'm about to throw it all in the trash. A name on one of the envelopes catches my eye before I do.

Annalise Wilson.

"What's that?" asks Taehyung. I jump at the sound of his voice. I hadn't noticed him approaching. "You were taking longer than usual so I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine," I respond, passing him the envelope. "My sister sent me something."

"Sister? I didn't know you had a sister."

"Yeah, I do. We don't talk that often though."

"Why not?"

"We're just...busy."

He nods.

"She's raising a kid," I add. "That keeps her occupied."

The corners of Taehyung's mouth turn up. "You're an aunt?"

I return the grin, humming, "Mhm."

He hands the envelope back to me. "What do you think she sent?"

I shrug, ripping the seal. "Let's see."

Once it's open, I pull out an invitation. But it's not just any invitation. It's her graduation party invitation. I merely stare at it. That's all I can do for a couple of moments because I'm rather stunned. When I come back down to Earth, I can (finally) truly observe it. The front of the invite has a picture of her and her daughter, Emersyn, on it. Annalise's long, dark brown hair cascades over her shoulders, framing her face beautifully. Her bright-colored dress compliments her tan skin and her makeup appears to have been done by a professional. It's hard to believe we're related; we look nothing alike. Our personalities are the only similarity.

Emersyn is a spitting image of Annalise, just with a darker complexion. She's grown so much in the year I've been gone. It's inconceivable that it wasn't only yesterday that I was rocking her to sleep so that my sister could study, that she took her first steps, that I gave her sweets when her mother wasn't looking.

Time passes quickly. You blink and you've missed a milestone.

I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to get emotional and make Taehyung worry. I then flip the invitation over and that is where I spot the date of the party.

It's next week.



"There are leftovers in the fridge if you want some," Namjoon calls out to Taehyung and me after setting foot in the house.

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