A/N - Terms + Q&A

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Clarification of terms 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️
- terms I have used or will use

Soulbond / the bond:
The bond that links two soulmates; it is what tells two people that they are soulmates, but it can only be fully activated when in the presence of your soulmate.

This is why Eunha did not realise BTS were her soulmates when she saw the billboard of them, and why they didn't know she was theirs until they saw her.

It is generally a pull, an invisible thread that ties soulmates. Sometimes it can be more, and emotions and thoughts may trickle across the thread, allowing soulmates moments of great intimacy and understanding.

The term can be used as a branch term and is synonymous with soul markings which are any of the marks on a person that have a relation to their soulmate. However, more specifically, a soul mark is the image and word pair that is with a person since birth.

At birth these marks are not always coulourful as they will only ever have colour if both soulmates have been born, in some instances the colour fades on a soulmates mark after their pair has died. It is for this reason that BTS were extremely concerned about their soulmate, though they never gave up hope.

Normally, with the aid of these marks, people tend to meet their soulmates between the ages of 18 and 26.

Soul image:
A soul image is a picture that relates to a soulmate and is intended, along with a soul word, to help guide pairs to each other or to give you insight into your soulmates life to help foster a greater understanding.

Like a soul image, everyone has a soul word, and these words work in the same manner as soul images. They are not always, though are generally, in a person's native langue. This has caused many pairs with foreign language soulwords to seek each other out in different countries, if not at least learn the langue of the word.

Soul words/soul phrase:
Not to be confused with a soul word, these lines or phrases are not a guarantee. Though they have been studied emensly, it is not clear why a portion of the worlds population never manifest one. It has been found that soulmates, if even only one of the pair, who have a phrase will have an even deeper, more stable and resilient connection than a soulmate pair with no phrase.

It is still unknown not only why certain soulmates manifest them, but also why they manifest at the times they do; it is never known when the phrase will appear. The exception to this is the first generation who recieved the soul phrase, as their was a mass manifestation, and those from that generation who did not receive them during this time are thought to not ever be able to manifest them.

These phrases can be anything from first words shared, defining moments in their relationship, lyrics and quotes, or even lines of poetic verse. They tend to have some implication on the strength, type and outcome of a bond be it; romantic, platonic or otherwise.

Soul scientists and Soul investigators:
They are charged with the research, maintenance and record keeping of all soulmates and soul affiliated instinces; from disputes to changes of country and of course manifestations or metamorphosis.

Soul investigators can be hired for private use to help locate a soulmate, though they are not cheep and there is no guarantee that they will be able to accomplish their task.

Soulmates / Eunha + BTS:
In all of recorded history, there has only ever been soulpairs; that is to say there has never been more than two soulmates bonded to each other.

Now, though people have for quite some time perceived it posible for this to change, soulbond/soulmate manifestations have always been a global phenomenon and have never been restricted to a single case (e.g. the global manifestation of soul phrases).

Eunha was a special case, and until BTS recieved the same metamorphosis of the bond (marks indicating the bond was not exclusive to a pair), it was a completely isolated instance. BTS also had the metamorphosis of faded soulmarkings, that until the day they met Eunha were not the vibrant colour nor dull grey they were supposed to be. (Spoiler; BTS have at least one other metamorphosis that I will get to 😉 (I think I made it so that they had another two but....))

The soul investigators are as such very interested in the group, yet they are bound by law to not interfere or reveal anthing to the public without expressed permission from the soulmates in question.

Oh, lets not even get started on everyone's intrest in the time travel......

Q&A Section

Q: I was only asked one question and that was whether or not Eunha will meet her parents.
A: I do intend for them to meet 😁 (but I can't promise that I won't forget).

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