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"I am not alone. If you set aside the killers. I have found others. Survivors that are just like me. Or at least I believe so, I want to believe so."


You have been chosen.

She opened her eyes, noting at first how cold the ground was against her back. It was wet too, only further soaking her clothes and pressing the chill deep into her skin. Shivering,the young woman sat up and rubbed her arms,  trying to recall how this happened whilst she looked around.

Fog coated the landscape, winding through trees and slipping across bushes. Everything was eerily quiet, not even frogs - who enjoyed this moist environment - croaking in this deep, unrelenting darkness. It was unnerving, her fingers beginning to numb with fear and cold. She could not even remember how she got here, as this looked nothing like the forests back home. Sure, trees were trees, yet Colorado was a lot prettier than this. There was something . . . ugly in these woods.

Meg stood carefully, shifting her gaze from one side to another. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a brick wall, turning fully to face it in confused awe. It was tall, far too much for her to even jump and grip the twisted metal bars which stuck out above them. She was a runner; her upper body strength was not exactly the best. She had the power in her legs - the power to go.

Realizing the wall extended far in both directions, she elected to stay close, unsure if she was willing to call out into the darkness. It occurred to her that a wall in the middle of woods was quite strange, though perhaps that meant it led to an establishment; one, however, would probably be just as odd and creepy as the surrounding forest. She was not in the mood to get murdered in a place where no one would ever find her body.

Aware she would not be found by anyone unless she got a move-on, the young woman set off in one of the two directions, hoping she did not pick wrong and come to a dead end. She kept her eyes peeled, hoping to come to a road, her footsteps producing the only sound for miles as they squished across the moss and crunched on the dead leaves. Braids brushing against her shoulders, she tried to remember what had happened before she found herself here.

She had been listening to the radio, falling asleep to the sounds of sports commentators as they discussed the Olympics well into the night. Looking down, she touched her jacket, nodding slowly to herself. Yes, she had gone to bed wearing the outfit she had worn that day, having not even bothered to change into pajamas. Even her cap remained on her head, keeping her wild hair pressed down where the braids could not control it.

So, that begged the question: how did she end up here?

Kidnapping seemed like a reasonable explanation, a lump forming in her throat at the mere idea she had been drugged, taken away, and now could not even recall the events of what happened. She did not feel drugged, her mind as clear as ever, if not confused as to what could possibly be going on.

Metal caught her attention, a strange twinkle for an organic place such as the woods to possess. Still, things were silent, the young woman cautiously approaching, brushing aside some foliage which stood in her way.

Though not much of a car person, or a machinery gal in general, Meg knew a generator when she saw one. The eight cylinders were still, broken wires hanging loose with occasional sparks leaping from them. Looking up she saw two bulbs high above her, occasionally flickering weakly.

Well, if something here is broken, maybe somebody is going to come and fix it.

Her rescue could possibly not be far off. Surely it would be a few hours, though if it did extend into days she would be willing to eat some moss or berries to keep herself alive. Curiosity still got the best of her, looking around to see if there were other generators sitting about, perhaps those with lights which worked and could ignite her path. She ensured she always knew where the first generator was,  walking with one foot carefully placed in front of the other. She was glad she did, because within ten to fifteen feet from the generator she stumbled upon her first concerning sight.

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