The fresh breeze whipped my hair as a gust of wind picked up, I hadn't felt it in so long that I closed my eyes and simply savored the moment, the moment reminded me of my brother And when he would sneak out, I had caught him once, and so that I wouldn't tell our parents he dragged me along to one of his secret hideouts. It was a long walk to the outskirts of the city, where the suffocating smell of industrialized civilization was harder to detect, where the air was fresher, cleaner. I had been afraid of getting caught back then but because of my brother I overcame that fear. That night we sat on the roof top of an abandoned building and looked out to the lifeless meadows that stretched out endlessly, he was sure there were lights where the sky touched the horizon, and had told me he would one day escape to see for himself.
My brother was the adventurous type not me, I was the type of person that did what was told but because of him I had decided to change that.
I had a sudden urge to skip along the way but at the first skip I stopped myself because I felt ridiculous, I settled for walking instead.
After a while of enjoying the smells, the breeze, the adventure, I came close to the abandoned warehouse, I made sure to keep my distance as I circled it and saw the road, the one the bus driver had mentioned. I followed it with my eyes and saw that It did in fact lead to the city, ant-sized buildings stood afar giving me a sence of comfort.
Almost like home. I thought, almost.
I walked for what seemed to be an endless road, I was starting to regret the whole idea because the sun was standing right above my head, and I was starting to sweat, Yes its summer and its only just beginning.
I came to an intersection, where a bus drove by, I turned following it to see where it stopped, further down the road I saw the small group get on. People. I wasn't able to tell what they looked like but any sign of life would be a good one. I pulled my bag out and checked my money once more, I had to take out the interior layer of leather so the the stack of thousands would fit.
Set onto following the rules I moved into the direction of the stop in hopes of asking someone for help.
I walked along the sidewalk, scanning the buildings in a state of awe as to how colorful everything was. Back home everything is black, grey or any shade in between, we are a fast paced environment, and this new one is something more .
Route: One
Short StoryBased on a dream. Jody, a fourteen year old discovers life out side her town by taking the forbidden route, escaping her troubles she seeks a better way life through the eyes of Jordan, another fourteen year old girl who secretly shares the same dr...