Chapter 12: Cliffhanger

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You woke up the next day in your guest bedroom. Last night you had stayed at Lucques for a couple of hours and then drove home. You could hear Mark recording something. You stretched and got up, stepping out of the bedroom. You went into the recording room and Mark looked over at you.

"Oh, hey (f/n)," he said, "Why don't you say hi to everyone?"

You hesitated, still sleepy, but went ahead and sat down next to Mark, "Hi, everyone," you waved to the camera. You heard some voices. You weren't sure who it was. One had a very loud laugh.

"(F/n), this Wade and Bob," Mark reintroduced you to them. He pointed to which one was Bob and which one was Wade on the screen.

Bob and Wade both said hello and asked how you were and stuff like that. "You've still got bed head," Mark grinned in amusement at you. He reached his hand up, placing it on your head and ruffled it even more. This made all four of you laugh.

You decided to stay in there to watch Mark play. Every time he would mess up he'd yell at the screen. You would make fun of him for it which made Bob and Wade laugh pretty hard.

After he was done recording he said bye to his fans and led you downstairs. He said he had a present for you to help you remember. Once he got downstairs he made you close your eyes and hold out your hands. You felt something cold drop into your palms. It was square. You opened your eyes and saw a picture of you and Mark. It was in a metal frame. You smiled, feeling something else start to come to you.

"That was our first picture we took together," Mark smiled, looking at it.

"I think I'm remembering something about it. It might take me a little while to remember it, but if I keep looking at it I will. I just know it," you were thinking really hard.

"Don't strain yourself. Just take your time with the whole memory thing. I mean I want you to remember stuff as fast as possible, but if you have to strain your brain, then I'd rather you go easy on yourself," Mark told you.

You only shook your head. You wanted to remember everything right now. You hated not knowing. It was like a cliffhanger in a book.

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