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I was so scared to post this! I feel like I did horribly!!

Thank you guys for 50 reads and 2 votes! I'm so happy!!

Please point out spelling mistakes so I can fix them


Outertale. The AU that has an dangerous cliff. What happens if you fall off the cliff? No one knows, those who have gone there, never have came back. It's kinda sad, right? Everyone is curios, but no one actually wants to find out. And just because everyone is scared of falling off of the cliff, it's usually empty. Such a pity, it is the perfect spot to see the beautiful stars afterall.

Right now though? The cliff isn't empty. There sits a black colored tall skeleton. He has beautiful different colored eyes and blue lines coming from each of his eyes, making him look like he was crying all the time. In his other eye he had a dark blue pupil with a yellow ring around it. His other eye just had a white pupil. He was wearing a dark blue long scarf that was stiched from many places. He was also wearing a red sweatshirt and a black jacket with yellow lines here and there over the sweatshirt. And then he had black shorts with red lines on each side and red slippers. And what made him even more stranger was the seemingly endless scars on his body. There wasn't really a place where wasn't even the smallest scar. He looked like he had gone trough hell and came back, well technically he did. And what was he doing on the cliff? Making a puppet. Can you believe it? The dangerous destroyer of AU's, killer of many innocent, the universe's most dangerous monster, making a puppet? No one would believe it even if they safe it with their two eyes! And still there he was, sticthing a puppet with a sad and broken look in his eyes. The scene almost looked pitiful. Almost.....


Came a small whisper, almost impossible to hear even with his better hearing.

"What the.....?" Started the skeleton, glitches forming around him again, his voice changing pitches from high to low.

"...............Live Error................." The whisper said again, this time a little louder, and before the skeleton named Error could do anything more, he was pushed off of the cliff, falling into the endless void. Who could have pushed him? Looking back up to the cliff while still falling, Error could see a flash of gold and a warm smile. His glitches started acting up more violently the longer he was falling in the black void. Panick attack was close and his eyes were full of the word 'error' as was his body. What would happen if he was stuck in the void forever? The void wouldn't collapse if the universe did. And now with Error in the void, who would destroy the AU's and keep the balance up? The world wouldn't survive without him! But there's no way back, now is there?

They did deserve this fate for tormenting him.......but then again would fate really be on his side? Last time Error checked, his fate was to keep the balance up, even if he lost his mind, even if he couldn't walk, even if he was drained from magic, he needed to destroy AU's for the balance. For the creator of AU's. It was just a sick game, wasn't it?

The glitches started becoming painful, and Error closed his eyes in hope of lowering the pain. Sure his pain tolerance was big, and he was used to this, but it still hurted even though just a little bit. And before even realizing it, Error blacked out.


A bright light made Error open his eyes. The first thing Error saw was a....bed? and a window if he remembers correctly. He wouldn't really know, he rarely used these kind of things. Realizing that he was in a strange place, Error opened his eyes fully and jumped out off the bed. Something was odd? Error looked at his hands and realized that instead of seeing black bones, he saw a chocolate colored......skin? His eyes immeadly found their way on his face, and his face also felt like it was full of skin?! The next odd thing Error noticed was that he was small. And not small in like, he got shorter 10cm, he was now really short. The size of a child! A child maybe 11 or 12 years old? Was he in someone else's body? Judging from the scars on his - now skinned - hands he was in his own body but just with skin.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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