Go Be Hapy

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Y/N's POV:

I sat on the stools that were in the kitchen sipping my soda from the can. The music was blasting through the speakers and drunk people were grinding in each other or making out.

My eyes scanned the room as the landed on my boyfriend, Bryce. We have been dating for 10 months now and I love him with all my heart.

He was laughing and talking with Addison. Hearing his laugh was like music to my ears and I vowed to hear it everyday. His smile was so wide it hurt. The twinkle in his eyes was as bright as the sun on a hot summer day.

So why doesn't he look at me that way?

The look he gave her is the same look I give him. He loves her. I guess he was never really over her to begin with. I knew this. I knew this was a possibility. But I was to selfish and naive to care. I just wanted love.

So I walked over to where they sat. I tapped him on the shoulder. He looked at me and I can instantly see that smile and twinkle disappear from his face. Why doesn't he love me back ? I knew I had to do it. It may be the hardest decision of my life, but I had too.

"Hey Bryce can we talk for a sec?" I asked. He nodded his head yes. We walked up the stairs to an empty room for privacy.

We sat on the bed, facing each other. I let out a small sign.

If you love him, you have to let him go

"Are-are you happy in this relationship?" I asked. My voice quivering a little bit as I begged myself not to cry. Everything happens for a reason.

"I-I of course I am". He answered. Lies

"Be honest with me okay, you won't hurt me". More lies

"I mean, no not really". Truth

I nodded my head in understanding. I look toward the door trying my absolutely best to not cry. A few tears had escaped anyway.

"Go be with her, if I don't make you happy  at least she does so go be happy with her"

"All I won't is for you to be happy" for you to be happy with me

He looked unsure of himself. "Look Bryce I'll be fine okay" lies

"I, thank you, your the best I love you" you don't love me like you love her

The smile that speed across his face was magically. So who cares if I cried after he left. Who cares that I just broke my own heart. Who cares that Addison is his world. Who cares. No one.

And I'll do it again if it means I get to see that smile, heard that laugh, and see that twinkle in his eyes.

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