C5: Party Time

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Taryns Pov

I am sitting in the couch playing Temple Run 2 on my IPhone 5S when I hear the door bell ring. So I get up and goes see who is at the door."Happy Birthday TBear " Avery and Delilah say as I let them in the Door (Just say that they have a sleepover room outside and an auditorium downstairs!)

5 minutes later (In the spongebob narrators voice)

I go to the door and see Kenzie there

"Happy Birthday Taryn Aliesha" she says hugging me as I let her in the door.

"Kenzie, These are my Dance Friends Avery and Delilah, Girls, this is my next door neighbor Kenzie" I say pointing to each girl when saying their name

"Hi " they all chorus

30 Minutes Later

All the girls are here and the Party has gne pretty good so far

I am about to open my first gift which said

"Happy Birthday to our favorite Dancing Sister"Love Avery and Delilah

In the room is Kenzie, Avery, Delilah, Marley, Shae, Dakota, Louis, Harry Liam, Niall, Zayn and Perrie (The boys came back!)

I unwrapped it to find a ZEBRA PINT IPhone 5S cover and a  $20 Starbucks gift card

"Thanks Girls"

(To shorten it I will say what the other girls got me because what the boys and Perrie and Zayn got her is a surprise)

From Marley I got some red skate shoees with the skates underneath

From Shae I got A $30 starbucks gift card and some Coca Cola pjs and when Louis saw them he said "I have the same ones as them... so that means your my twin.. Yayayayayayaya!" Which set as all in a fit of giggles

From Dakota I got 5 monster High dolls. Goulia, Frankie, Lagoona, Clawdeen and Draculaura.

"Thanks Girls! " I say

"Your not done yet " Liam said rubbing my back

"Im not!" I said shockingly

"Nope " my uncles chorus

I grabbed a box off of Liam

It said

"To our favourite and ONLY niece, Happy Birthday TBear xoxo Uncle Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall

I opened it to see... a golden retriever puppy (Female)

"Thank you so so much  Boys"I say hugging  them tight

"Anything for our baby niece"they say back

"And I got you one more thing Tbear" Louis says handing my a wrapped gift and it said "To my beautiful Tbear dont ever grow up. Xoxo Uncle Tommo ♥♥♥

I opened it up and saw..

I dyed the top of my hair

Superman pjs and a 6 person backstage pass to go see one direction In concert

"Thanks Uncle Lou" ''Im bringing Shae, Marley, Dakota, Kenzie, Avery and Delilah" I say

"Last gifts Tbear" Zayn says handing me 2 wrapped up gifts.

I opened one and let Louis open the other. In the one I opened said "Happy Birthday to my amazing daughter, Taryn Aliesha Malik" Love Perrie xoxo and it was a............

.... IPad Mini and a Bugs Bunny Ipad mini cover "Thank you so much Mum" I say kissing her forehead

And the one Louis opened was.... A Spongebob Dvd set from the first season to the last season and a spongebob pjs, beanie ( in the story it is winter), Top, Pants and skirt.

"Thank you Dad" I say

"Whatcha gonna name the up Tbear?" Lou asks me

"Hmm, I'm going to name it... Silvermist" I say


C5 done! Next chapter will be Bean Boozled

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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