¡ chapter 4 !

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I wake up and change immediately in my school uniform. I'm still a bit upset about what Harvey said to me yesterday but I guess he is just trying to protect me from getting hurt.

I walk to the Great Hall for breakfast. "Alex! Over here!" Marcus yells. I walk to them. "Where's Harvey?" I ask. "Just taking a shower, he is here in a minute or something." Blaise says. "Aren't you mad at him?" Vicky asks. "Not really, he has a point tho. But I really wanna go to that party so if that means seeing Cedric for a couple minutes then fine."

Harvey walks in with his hair still a bit wet from the shower. He sits down on the opposite of me. We're all quiet for a moment but then Marcus continues with his conversation with Blaise.

Harvey grabs an apple and says: "Still going on that date with mr. Ass?" I'm not in the mood for another fight like yesterday. And especially not in the Great Hall. "It's just me going to the party and when I see him, I just talk to him. Nothing special. "Okay fine, but I'm your date there." Vicky and the rest stopped talking for a second while Harvey is just biting his apple like nothing happend.

"I'll just be your date as a friend, so he can't hurt you again." Vicky and the rest are still quiet, waiting for my answer. "Okay fine, as friends." I stand up and walk out of the Great Hall.

In Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Lupin walks the classroom in. "Today we learn something about Dementors." He says. "Does anyone know what they are and how you defend yourself from them.?"

I raise my hand. "Yes ms. Jones." "Dementors are the guards of Azkaban. When they are near you you feel like all you happiness is driving away and they can take your soul." I crossed paths with the Dementors a couple years ago. I knew how to defend myself from them but that was lucky.

"Correct ms. Jones. 5 points for Gryffindor. Do you also know how to defend yourself from them?"  "I'll demonstrate." I stand up and say: "Expecto Patronum." A white leopard jumps out of my wand and runs around. The leopard runs to Harvey. Harvey looks fascinated by the creature.

"Well done! 10 points to Gryffindor! Today we all learn how to make a Patronus. Ms. Jones, would you like to assist me?" I nod.

When professor Lupin explained how I walk around the class. I saw Vicky struggle but in a few minutes a beautiful white horse came out of her wand. Marcus had a bear, Blaise a panda and Draco a snake. Harvey tried it but it didn't work.

"You need to think about the most happy memorie you have Harvey." I say. "I do! When I got to school here, that was happy right?" "Yes but that is just normal! You need to really love the memorie!" He closes his eyes and says the spell. This beautiful lion came out of his wand. I look at the creature while it runs rounds around me.

"What was the memorie?" I ask still looking at the creature. "O nothing special." He says, he clearly doesn't wanna say it so I'm not gonna push him to do so.

After all lessons
"Vick, we need to pick up our dresses." I say. "Right, let's pick them up now." We walk to Hogsmeade and we pick them up. We decide to talk a couple butter beers so we go to the Three Broomsticks.

"Has Blaise already asked you to the party?" I ask her. "Yes he was so sweet! He got me this bracelet to!" She shows me a gold bracelet with a little heart on it. "So cute!" I say.

"And you are going with Harvey right?" She asks me. "Yeah but not as a date. It's just me alone probably and he is gonna go to some girls who are gonna drool all over him. Then I will be standing alone or I'll be standing third wheel with you guys." Vicky smiles and looks at her butter beer. "Just admit that you like him." I almost choke in my butter beer. "Say what now?" I ask her.

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