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4:00 am

"I'm on my way now" Shiloh says into the phone already packing his bag. Shiloh Clearwater packed his bags with his clothes,shoes and other things he needed. After packing his stuff he gets a cab and goes to the airport. His phone started to ring.

"Yes?" His spoke. The cab driver jumped at how deep the stranger voice was.

"Are you really gonna come? Can I at least tell them before you come?" His mother Sue Clearwater spoke voice cracking mid sentence.

"I honestly don't care I'm not gonna be there that long anyway" Shiloh spoke bluntly and honestly he hung up before she could say anything else.. After he got sent away by his dad he never wanted to step into La Push again.

Paying the cap driver and going into the airport locating where he should be finding a line going into the plane he follows the line.

Not long after he sits down and put headphones on and try to sleep because he knows once he step foot in the town named after a Utensil. This going to be awkward as hell I already know he thinks whole rolling his eyes.

Hours later he get out the plane then get his bags.

"Shiloh!" He hear Sue call. Turning his head towards the sound he she that she hasn't changed she still look the same if you can count the eye bags under her eyes.

Walking towards her he keeps his face blank. Sue walks toward him with a mega smile. Stopping in front of the short lady she try's to wrap her arms around him but he steps back not liking the comfort his mother is trying to give him.

"Should we go?" She ask smiling sadly.

"Lead the way" Shiloh says while nodding.

The silence wasn't awkward to Shiloh only because he likes the silence.

"So how have you been these past years?" She ask trying to fill the silence.

"You haven't checked up on me for as long as I remember you only call me to tell me that Harry died who I haven't seen since his mother took me" He hissed angrily.

"I'm sorry we didn't know what to do" She
Mumbled miserably.

"But you knew what to do with the other two!" I hissed once again.

"I'm sorry Shiloh" she says her eyes start to water.

Pulling up to a small orange looking house Sue stops as a bunch of men and two Women walks into the house.

Sue gets out and motion for Shiloh to do the same he gets out whist grabbing his bags.

Walking in the driveway he smells the air. He rolls his eyes and glare at the house full of shifters. Yes, he knows about shifters he's one after all.

Walking through the door he already hear growls coming his way.

He looks at the girl that looks identical to Sue. He chuckled and shakes his head. Looks like I found Ms.Leah.

"What are laughing at?" The man whose sitting in the chair by the table says.

"The sky" he says looking into sam eyes exerting his dominance. The man starts growling loudly.

"Be quit sam" The women with whose siting in his lap said.

"Sam? Oh the same that dumped Leah for her cousin? Ouch" Shiloh says lazily.

"How do you know about that?" Leah says growling.

Looks like there's a lot of growling today.


I turn my head to look at my mother.

"You haven't told them yet, huh?" I ask starting to get angry.

"Tell us about what?" A young boy with no shirt says. He looked young maybe fifteen. Must be Seth

"That I'm your brother" Gasps was heard around the small house.

"Liar!" Leah shouts.

"H-how?" Seth says.

"Just like how you was born you're mom and dad had se-" Before I could finish Leah interrupted him.

"Ew stop!" She cries.

"I like him" The fellow Native American who was behind sam said.

"Well I don't" Sam said scowling.

"Tuff shit" I say.

"I can smell you , you're one of us too!" Seth says smiling at me innocent eyes twinkling.

"I'm not" I say fast.

"Then what are you?" The same man who said he liked me asked.

Before I could say anything a howl interrupted me.

The Men and Leah ran outside.

I followed.

They started to shift they were humongous but I was bigger I just knew it.

I didn't do what they did but I did follow them I wanted to be nosy.

I jumped into the trees so they wouldn't know I was following them.

They stoped in a big field.

Besides the wolf they're were seven pale people by the smell they were vampires and one was.....human?

"That's weird" I say from the tree I was on.

Every head turned to where I was.

"Who are you?" The man that looks like he got a stick up his ass said. More like hissed at me.

"Why?" I asked looking him in the eyes. If you can't tell I like eye contact.

"He's my brother and a shifter!" Seth said already back to his human.

"Brother? I thought you only had a sister?"I looked at the person who said that. Wow, if I was straight I would've drooled looking at her.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you also I have a name and it's not Mr.Stickuptheass It's Edward" Edward said.

I hear a guffaw and charming laugh from the other left side of Edward.

I look at him in awe. He is handsome he looks to be as tall as me which says something because I'm six seven. Black hair that's curled. Pale skin with honey eyes that could make you fall in love over and over again. Lips that are full and pink automatically making me lick my own. His body! Words can't describe his body I just want t- Shit! Did I just- fuckfuckshitfuckshit.

I jump down from the tree branch I was on landing perfectly on my feet in front of big handsome guy.

"You're name?" I ask him looking at him.

"Emmett Cullen, and you?" He ask with a dashing smirk on his face.

"Shiloh Clearwater" I say with the same smirk on my face.

"Did Emmett just find his mate?" Edward said while gasping.

"His what now?" I ask him to make sure I was hearing it right.

"How did you even hear that shifters hearing doesn't even go that far" The girl who looked paler than the rest said.

"That's none of you're concern human" I say look at her.

"Hey!" She say.

"What are you? Why can I see you in my visions? I can't see the other shifters! How can I see you than?" The pixie ask fast if I wasn't a supernatural creature I wouldn't have caught what she said.

"If you must know I'm Santa Claus. See secret finally out!" He says with a deadpanned look on his face.

"I like him he's funny" The Beautiful woman said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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