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Hey there happy reader's. Sorry for the last to chapters being so short. This is a short story after all.

But I hope you liked it. It toke me some time to make. The idea of this was a old one from 2017 and I want to finsh it.

I know it's not the best of storys and it didn't have a lemon episode. I wasn't planning on there being one. But if you want lemons I have a book for that. So go and read it if you like that stuff.

Anyways I loved spending all the time I did on this book. I know it may have a few miss spelled words or at some points in the store it sounds weird. But I like it.

Anyways this was a quick proget that I had in the back of my head for a bit. And now that it is done. I can't wait to keep working more. I still have that birdtale book to finsh up as well as the creepypasta one to do.

Anyways if you liked this book feel free to tell me in the comments your favorite part.

Like it if you wish. Anyways this is becoming to long now. Anyways thank you all for reading this book. Hopefully you come back and read it again. Think of it as a word rest....... Anyways I'll see ya around bye bye!!

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