Chapter 1

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??? POV

What is going on anymore?... Well... Since they forced me to become what I am today nothing's been the same...and its all because of the ignorant brat.... because of their ignorance I have to clean the brats mess...oh how I just want this to end...

Narrator's POV

Error was sitting in the Anti-void watching Undernovela when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his soul, 'Ugh, stupid squid created again, gotta go before I get scolded for doing nothing' he thought, making a portal to the brand new AU, he peeked through  and noticed that the AU was blank, and the only thing that could be seen was a brown figure or blob, (whichever Error is comfortable with -_-), he stepped all the way through the portal and closed it, he then started walking towards the blob cautiously and stopped midway to make sure that the blob wouldn't try anything; then he recognized the brown and realized that it wasn't just a blob but that it was Ink, he then decided to speak up as to try and strike a conversation "Hey! Squid! What is this new AU called? Anti-void 2.0?" he mocked, Ink turned around so that he was facing him and said "Error... Please stop destroying..." he ignored the previous question which caused Error to get curious, he brushed it off "I will stop destroying when you stop creating squid" "But... I could never stop creating!" his answer said it all, Error felt mad like REALLY mad, if he didn't do the same then what was the point in stopping? He then snapped back "THAT IS WHY I DONT STOP DESTROYING!!!" at this point Error was seriously pissed and Ink, being the soulless monster he is, didn't feel anything, he then grabbed broomie and said "And that is why we all gathered here to end you today!!" as soon as he said that  portals started to appear and originals and copies stepped through from all the AU's that wanted to end him.
To be honest Error wasn't even surprised, of course it was expected that talking with Ink was going to get him attacked. The REAL problem was that you actually couldn't see the difference between copies and originals which meant that he couldn't kill anyone, omg...why did Ink have to make it THAT HARD???(tbh I'm not really good at describing nor making fighting scenes sooo ima skip to where I can actually write :D).

Half an epic fight later...

Almost everyone was tied up and pinned to the ground by Error's strings and they only had some bruises; Error was damaged badly and since healing magic does not work on him, thank his high pain tolerance because that is why he's still standing, as for Ink...he was arguing with Dream and Blue just because he wanted to kill the destroyer, Error noticed this and quickly made a portal to Outertale, when they looked over at where he originally was he was nowhere to be found, well... nothing but a portal of course (Yes, he forgot to close it, if you disagree - fite me bish >:D) they looked through the portal and noticed that it went to Outertale, they debated between going or not going, they decided to jump through and they told the other AU's that they could stay and rest just in case they needed back up. 

In Outertale...

Blue POV

I'm sincerely worried for my friend, I don't want to kill him, gosh I can't believe Ink wants to kill him, does he really no know about the balance? Ugh anyways I need to focus on the task at hand.

Narrators POV

The Star Sans' looked around the AU, they asked the residents if they had seen him but they all said no, when they were about to give up they saw someone at sitting on the edge of the AU just looking at the stars not acknowledging that below him was the void of that world, or that's what they thought, they approached him cautiously and then stopped only for one of them to start talking "Aren't the stars beautiful?" they were taken aback by what he said, well only Dream and Ink since Blue already knw that this is Error favorite AU, Ink couldn't believe what he heard he sincerely thought that he hated each and every one of his creations but oh how wrong he was, as for Dream... well...he was just thinking about how what Ink had told him about Error. Error noticed the silence so he turned around only to be met with some shocked faces and his best friend behind them almost laughing at their reaction, he then spoke up again "Are you guys ok?" they were snapped out of their thoughts and met with reality once again "What were we doing again?" asked a confused Ink, Error then got up and walked towards the Star Sans', Ink got on a fighting stance as did Dream and Blue was just there to make sure that the encounter didn't get out of hand, just when Ink was about to say something a portal opened next to Error and someone walked out of it...



Ha! cliffhanger got cha on that one didn't I? whelp this is the first chapter of a book that I think will turn out to be trash, also pic at the top is not mine, anyways...

See ya on the next chapter!!!!

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