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2 hours later you woke up still laying on Kobe's lap you looked up and saw Kobe on his phone


You say wiping your eyes

Y/n:are we almost there

Kobe:yea like 30 more minutes

Then you layed back sand got on your phone

30 minutes later y'all finally was there and y'all was at a hotel you,Kobe and angel shared a room and vallyk and cohen shared sense there were 2 beds in each room then you and Kobe showered together sense he had to help you then y'all got in the bed And went to sleep

You woke up and you didn't see Kobe in the bed so you texted him

THE NEXT DAY~You woke up and you didn't see Kobe in the bed so you texted him

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Then you looked over and saw angel sleep on the other bed





Y/n:help me
Then he got up and gave you your crunches and he turned on the shower for you then you got in the shower and you got out and wrapped a towel around you

Then you grabbed your crunches and tried walking out the door but your crunch hit the corner of the wall and you fell....

You were crying in pain while holding your ankle then angel ran in there

Angel:you good?
Then he tried helping you up

Y/n:noo it hurts😩
Then you just layed on the floor crying and angel tried touching it

Y/n:stawwp that hurts😩😭

Angel:Brielle I gotta help you up

Y/n:but it hurtssss😭

Then he picked you up and put you down on the bed

Y/n:can you go get some ice😩

Angel:yea brb
Then angel went and got some ice then came back and put it on your ankle

Y/n:can you hold it on there🥺

20 minutes later the door opened and Kobe,vallyk and cohen walked in

Kobe:hey baby
Then he tried to kiss you but you dodged it


Kobe:what's wrong

Y/n:I fell and now I think I broke my ankle even more and you left me🥺

Kobe:you ok?do you need something?

Y/n:noooo angel already putting ice on it he takes better care of me then you🥺

Kobe:what baby I told you I didn't want to wake you up and I didn't even know you fell

Y/n:ok but still

Kobe:I try my best wdym

Y/n:not hard enough

Then he walked out

Cohen:that was mean...

Then Cohen and vallyk went back to there hotel room

Angel:Brielle that was kinda rude i mean thx for the compliment but like he's your bf and you shouldn't be telling him that

Y/n:Ik but it's true

Angel:but still...that was mean you should apologize

Then angel went back to his bed and you texted Kobe.......

Then you got your crunches and got up and walked out the door and you saw Kobe walking down the hallway

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Then you got your crunches and got up and walked out the door and you saw Kobe walking down the hallway

He ignored you but you couldn't go after him bc your ankle was hurting

Y/n:damn it
Then you walked back into the hotel room and put the ice back on your ankle
Later that night the door opened and Kobe walked in and went inside the bathroom to wash his face

Then you got up and went in the bathroom and shut the door

Y/n:Kobe I'm sorry🥺

Kobe:ok but that hurted me I try my best to take care of you

Y/n:Ik I'm sorry.....I'll make it up to you plz just stop ignoring me

Kobe:ok how

Y/n:I'll.....umm.....I'll take you to get you favorite food and we'll go to the mall then come back and...I'll give you a lil surprise😏tomorrow tho

Kobe:mmm ok
Then you gave his a kiss and y'all showered then got in the bed and cuddled then went to sleep


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