Chapter 4

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I sat up in the bed yawning before looking over the unfamiliar room then zoning down to the large black t-shirt I had draped over my body my eyes widening a bit.

Mentally, I started freaking out my eyes darting over every white walls of the room before they slipped past a smirking Chandler leaning on the door frame in a white dress shirt, black jeans and brown dress hoes with a Versace watch adorning his hand.

" Had a nice nap sleeping beauty? It's noon, " He said throwing some clothes at me.

" Noon, " My eyes widened slightly.

" Get ready, I'm taking you home, your brother already left, " With that, he exited the room.

Soon, I was dressed in the black and white plaid skirt and a white top with my heels, jewellery and YSL clutch from the night before. I walked downstairs where breakfast was already laid out on the table by his helper to which I took the seat closest to the head of the table and dug into the pancakes and bacon.

After I was finished, I was escorted to a wide garage where various luxury cars were lined perfectly symmetrical to each other but I couldn't help giving my attention was towards the captivating dark-haired beauty whose attention was directed to the person on the other side of the line.

His face was blank as a few harsh words made their way past his lips but as he lifted his head to meet my gaze a smirk crossed his face before hanging up on his previous call.

" Your pick, " He nodded towards the cars.

" The Bentley, " I said without a thought.

He was soon handed the keys to the car and not long after he was opening the passenger side door for me before he made his way to the driver's side.

As I sat in the car my eyes couldn't help but wonder, this was the very same car that we would be driven around town in before he went abroad and knowing his family's track record with luxury vehicles, I was a bit surprised to see that they still had the car.

" So, did my brother just leave me, " I asked side-eyeing Chandler as he crossed onto the main road.

" No, I had to convince him that you would be perfectly safe first, " He said for a split second turning his head to look at me.

Knowing my brother, he wouldn't just leave me anywhere, not even with his most trusted friend so I really had to question as to why he would just leave me with Chandler of all people, not that I minded in any way.

I sighed in content leaning into the plush seats of the white Mulsanne.

" What's your next step? " I turned my head towards him awaiting an answer.

" What do you think? " He answered focused on the road.

" How would I know? I'm not you or remotely like you in any way. " I rose a brow at him although I knew he wasn't looking directly at me.

" Good enough, I'm looking more towards buying a block and maybe later take over the family business, " He said just as he made the turnoff to the highway. " How about you, any colleges in mind? "

" Uh, I'm thinking about Columbia, " I replied.

" Oh, I see, Ivy League, wasn't expecting anything less, " He said, a small smile stretching across his face.

" Yeah, it's not like there's anywhere else I'd like to go and on another note, it's going to be the closest to home seeing as dad is looking towards giving that Foxhall house a break. " This was true, Columbia was like a dream for me, I had applied for it and some other Ivy League schools and had gotten back numerous acceptance letters but only one had caught my attention and in the right time too, Columbia had everything to offer and it was a plus that father was ready for a move to New York. Mason, I wasn't too sure about, we had gotten almost the same acceptances and I, for a fact knew that he didn't care what school he was going to, a degree was just a piece of paper to him and he would be content with any school he was to attend. 

" We're here, " He said putting the car in park.

" Dang, twenty minutes flew by fast, " he chuckled at my statement.

I turned my head to look out the tinted window at the house to where a few people were gathered with Riana at the steps. Turning back I stared at Chandler who was patiently waiting for my next move and in my mind, it was now or never.

Leaning over, I kissed his cheek before quickly exiting the car my emotions going a bit wild, I walked up towards the porch where the group was sitting and from what I could tell, all conversation had halted the moment I stepped out of the car, and as soon as I got to the porch I turned to see that the car was still parked so I lifted my had to wave at him and soon after he was driving off.

" Aye ma, you single? " One of the boys called out rubbing his hands together as he licked his dry lips while staring me up and down making it hard for me to not roll my eyes.

Riana pulled out her hand to slap him before saying " Shut up bruh, that's my sis. "

The other people in the group sat rolling up blunts minding their business as I passed by and entered the house but as soon as I did that, I was almost knocked to the floor as an angry female brushed passed me causing me to quickly grab her by the back of her shirt before she made it out of the door.

" So, don't you have something to say? " I asked turning her around to face me, my voice coming out colder than I intended causing her to meanly stare at me.

She was dark-skinned, her pastel pink bob wig framing her heart-shaped face which was currently fixed into a fierce glare as she looked from my hand twisted around her shirt to my less than nice looking face.

" No, and what you gonna do about it? " She said rolling her neck at every interval.

Before I could say anything more to her, the others from outside piled into the house noticing the position I had her in. My fist was fully rolled up in her shirt almost ripping it as I had pulled her to face me.

" What's happenin' here? " Another person in their group asked, the other four just staring at me.

" Nothin' more than this raggedy-ass hoe tryna rip my damn shirt. " The girl retorted.

" Aye, no need to start with the name calling, can y'all just calm down and Milan could you let her go? " Riana said looking me directly in the eye.

I roughly shoved the girl into the group not interested in the direction that this was going in before going up the stairs not before catching a few words from her, " Riana, I swear, yo people got me messed the hell up man. "

When I got to the room it was empty leaving me to wonder where my brother was as he was supposed to be here before me but all thoughts were paused as my phone dinged. I pulled the sleek black android from out of my clutch I turned it on and as soon as I did, a smile stretched across my face at the message that was left despite the before situation.

Getting a little bold aren't we darling?

Deciding to reply later, I placed the phone on my dresser undressing myself before putting on my day clothes and later that day I was confronted by Riana after her friends or whoever they were to her had left.

" Why would you do that? " She had hissed through her teeth as she fumed, unquenched fire burning in the depths of her eyes as she curled her fist and from then on, I was on guard.

Not interested in the moment I sighed tiredly before I replied equally as sassy as she did, " Because she almost sent me to the floor, the hell did you expect me to do? sing kumbaya? "

That made her fume even more and for the first time after that, I had seen one of her many episodes to come as she pushed over a nearby vase allowing in to shatter on the ground and after, she later blamed it on me.

I always knew, there was something about her from the moment I had met her, though, that had only been a few days ago, something about her had just rubbed me the wrong way and maybe I had misinterpreted it at that moment but it was something more.

" You don't know how much trouble you got me in. " At that time, I didn't understand her words but later I would soon come up to the answer and it wasn't going to be pretty in the slightest way.

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