God is real first of all it started with the big bang theroy. The big bang theroy is the prevailing outlook of the early devolopment of the world. It was 1st predicted by Ralph Alpher. He was agnostic and considered himself as a humanists. Agonostic which is a person that holds existence of the ultimate cause as God and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable or that human knowedge is limited to experience. It said that he big bang theroy happened over 14 billion years ago. The heat built up and finally exploading creating light. To me God's voice was the bang. God commanded for there to be light and so it happened. [Genesis 1:3]. When your atheist it firm in your head that there is no God. So you come up with every possible way to keep yourself believing. The big bang theroy is a way out for atheeis. It's their proof tht God isnt real. It is said to be proven. How in the world can you prove something that happened 14 billion years ago? They tell us to read a science book. We tel them read the bible. In the end it the same how can they prove their answer how can we prove ours? We cant really its just us believing that our God is real. We have to believe and with me believing that god is real thats all the proof i need. Because my God is not dead!!!!!!
Is God dead?
Historische fictieYour in for full of life questions is God real read to find out