Another stupid song pt 2

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Those were Billie's last words before closing the door on his face.

She turned to me without saying a word, seating in front of me on the bed. facing me, looking down. "i'm done with him" is all she said. "i'm glad, it was about deserve better"i responded causing a small smile to appear on her face which was still facing down.

"so... who does your heart belong to?" i asked. "what do you mean?", "Well, you told him your heart belongs to somebody else, who is it?" and she shrugged off my question. "are you sleeping over?" she asked me avoiding the topic, i just nooded "if you want me to", and she just smiled again not looking at me in the eyes.

i can't ignore her beauty. to be honest it hurted me so much the fact that somebody else had her heart, when I knew I wish that was me. I wish I could hug her, protect her, kiss her, call her mine. but she's not mine..even though that's what I want most in my life. i was still confused on why she said he was a distraction for her, distraction from what? i had to know.

she asked me if I wanted to watch a movie and i said yes. she started playing a random movie, to which i payed no attention to. all i was thinking was that i needed answers. she was acting so weird.

"that wall must be way more interesting than the movie, huh?" she said snapping me out of my thoughts pausing the movie. "sorry i was just thinking." i said blushing that she caught me zoning out. "what were you thinking about?" she asked. you, about how much i want you and how in love i am with you. "nothing, random thoughts i guess" i responded. she nooded.

"bil.." i said catching her attention again. "yes babygirl?" she responded, God that name. "what did you mean by him being your distraction...your distraction from what?" i asked. "from who." she answered confusing me even more and i tilted my head letting her know nothing made sense to me.

"from you." she continued leaving me shocked and way more confused than I was before. "me?" i asked. "yes you. look Y/N i don't want to make you uncomfortable but..I- i like you okay? i fell in love with you, but I know you didn't want me so i had to fake being in love with him so I could have something to at least make me forget I couldn't have you.." she said. i was so shocked, is this really happening? the fucking love of my life likes me back...i've been waiting for this my whole life since I fell in love with her. she's all I ever wanted..her lips..her eyes..her hair..her cute ass fucking can a human be so hot and so cute at the same time? she's just precious.

"Y/N?" Billie called, noticing she couldn't get a reaction out of me because i got lost in my thoughts so i just got back into the moment. "Billie I- can't believe it. i'm in love with you too and have been since a few years hurted so much to see you with anyone else, or kissing anybody...i just wished that was me the whole time..." i said looking down. she grabbed my chin carefully with her hand making me look at her in the eyes. "it is you. it has always been you. and i finally get to have you to myself because i really dont want anybody else, for fucks sake why didn't I do this before?" she said and we both started laughing until I stopped laughing and noticed her hand was still in my face.

all i could focus on were her lips. her perfectly plumped soft lips. "can I?" she asked, "please do so." with that she brought her lips to mine as they slowly moved in sync until we pulled away to breathe, not getting far away from each other's faces. she tasted like mint. we smiled at each other. "will you finally be my girlfriend?" she asked. my heart made like 100 turns and my heart was beating extremely fast. I smiled and nooded reconnecting our lips. my baby was finally mine.

A/N: IM SORRY I HAVENT UPDATEED IN SO LONGGGG i'll try to do it more often. anyways I love "another stupid song" so much it got me through..the biggest heartbreak i've ever faced. so yeah also this is not proof read because i'm tired. anyways i love you all and please follow my fp on instagram as "playitwhenyourelonely". anygays PLEASE take care of yourselves, drink water, eat something and if you need ANYTHING or just want a new friend dm me. i love you and you are valid and loved in this world <3

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